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Krsna The Matchless Gift

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
He's the greatest.He is The Beautiful Personality Of Godhead!He is all that was,All that is,and all that will be!He is the Absolute Truth.He is All Pervading,All Knowing,and the friend of all living entities.He is the Greatest!!

If I could tell my Hero one thing,I would ask Him ,to Save all the living entities.
I want to be in your Service Lifetime After Lifetime

My Favorite Krsna The Matchless Gift Links Are...

The Original Bhagavad Gita As it is
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
I am Distrbuting This 1973 Gita,Newly Printed,With a Beautiful Hard Cover,Unchanged,With Vedic And English Traslations,and original Paintings,for a small Donation of $10.50 plus shipping,just to cover printing.I am trying to get started Distributing, these Beautiful Big Books,worth 20.00 to 40.00 dollars easly, in a book store,So Please take advantage of this oppertunity!Make a Donation,And Get this Wonderful,Beautiful Book! I am Just Tring to Give these books away,For the cost of Printing!
Just Came in--Original Krsna Book Back In Print!!Krsna Book [1970 edition, 2 Volume Set, Introduction by George Harrison].
Completly unchanged in original Two Volume Set,Just asking For a Donation of $10.50 a Book,Plus shipping,Or $20.00 plus shipping for the Set!Limited Books on Hand ,So please take advantage of this offer!I am giving these books away at cost of printing ,as my service to everyone, who took the time ,to read this page!Hare Krsna. Your Servant KRSNAJOE (Jaya Kesava Dasa)

My Hare Krsna Index
Wonders of Krsna's Home Page
Pleasure Unlimited in Krsna Consciousness
Krsna Consciousness The Matchless Gift
Krsna The Resevoir of Pleasure
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