CAT!! Look at how cute she is!
Ok, so that is a mildly OUTDATED pic of her, but she still looks that adorable! Just imagine her a lil taller (but just a lil cuz she's till TWO FOOT TWO *MUHAHAHHA*) with a diff haircut das all. Her facial expressions stay the same. KEKE...awww...ima so funnee huh? But forrrealz, this girl is my BESTEST BESTEST friend in the whole entire world. She has a bigger heart than anyone I know! Cat is always there to listen to allll my endless problems (and boy there are a lot! keke) and offer advice and just show me love 24/7. Riiiight, sooo...we have all kinds of lil things we both say all the time. Among them would be...what the crow, oh my land, Eh, oh my goodness (or rather Oh mah. oh kinda cuts off like that. hehe) What else is there? We tend to say the same thing at the same time, and are alike in more ways than one. Pretty scaree huh? hehe...You gotta love this girl to bits and pieces tho! Unless ur a jealous girl cuz the guys are alll over her! hehe..just kidding. but forrealz ima not the only one who thinx she's all cute cuz she has da boyz knockin down her door. :P The Drama sistahs eh? :D hehe...newaiz, Cat is the best!! *muah* Much luv babe!!
My Unni man! I mean, c'mon, we share the same Korean music craz. She's such a sweetie and da best unni ever! Yeah so I have like, a million dumb stories to tell every single day, but she's always dere to listen to em and gimme advice. She's all smart and funnee and stuff too--I mean, can't get much better than that! Sowie boyz--she's taken. :) heehee...But NEwaiz, we've gotten to know each other pretty well this year and Korea was so awesome! I was so excited that we got to hang out (ahem, even talkin in a cafe til uhhh...1 am when i can't get back into the dorms. OOPS! tee hee hee...) but she's such a good listener and one of da bestest unnis ever! goh mah woh yo! :P
Emily: Where do I even begin?? Sheesh...first you start off stealin my material, and thinkin ya know everything there is to know! :) keke...JK! U know I'm luvin ya! This chica hails from Tampa, FL and is one of my buds here at the great land of Rice-dome. We enjoy walking the streets of Houston late at nite (Kirby and Westheimer)--ooh, that sounds bad huh? Inside joke! I also think our loadstones could use some work. But we always have fun!!
Anita: Bonita Anita also from Tampa! This here girlie is my other suitemate and the smartest and kewlest girl ever. Like, forrealz. She's always willing to help me with Vector, or God forbid--ECON! ugh...But she's so patient and has a huge heart for anyone and everyone. Plus, I mean, in some respects we're so much alike too! Tis kinda scary. But she's so cute! And calls me Nennifer! I mean, nothing gets cuter than that! lub u Neeters!!