Rondelet 2002!
Me, Victor, Jonathan, Brian, Amy, Elisa, Min, Lynn!
The Flying Dutchman in Kemah!!!! Too bad my stomach got mad at me about the shrimp platter afterward...

such a cute area! we got to ride the ferris wheel--don't be too scared jonathan! :)

waitin in line..

he looks pretty scared huh?

So we didn't get to end up actually EATING at the Aquarium, but we took pix newaiz! hehe...look at the sharkies! eeeee...
still at the Aquarium..
Isn't that a cute group pic? aww...
More aquarium! Das me and Elisa :)
I dunno why they decided to lie down..mebbe to get the big ol eel in the pic?
Aquarium AGAIN! Elisa and Min.
Time for a change of scenery...(das me and Amy by the way)
So I was convinced to take a "cute" pic and then jonathan snapped away before i was ready...dorky huh? hehe..
My annual pic with banannie at the dance!
My annual pic with Victor at the dance! :)
awww...he's so cute! look at kong~
Boys boys boys.. :P
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