
For Starterz i love being active rather with sportz or with woman!
i play Soccer, Tenniz, Boxing, and Snowboarding!
i love litriture actually i love shakespears Romeo and juliet more than anything! when it comes to the ladiez i`m kinda shy but i still play it cool.
Me hitta` Swizz and R.B.M. go nanny huntin` all da time!

when i get wit a girl i let everything flow smooth and let her push the night in the general direction that they want it to go cuz i aint a fuckin` horney bazterd like all dem mother fucka`z out der

Pretty much when i waz in 6th i started ma game playin' i would get hoez left and right. thatz when i lozt ma virginity. man waz that a miztake, i should have waited for ma firzt love wich happened right after da firzt hoe i had sex wit. i fell in love wit this beutiful woman. stephanie waz the most perfect woman i could ever imajin! but i regreted the fact that i was with that special someone and screwed up everything i treated her bad! i cheated on her once and and thats all it took her loyalty started to fade. But see i don`t even really remember cheating on her because i was so screwed up on drugz all year and any longer than that i probly would have done enough to make me retarded. she cheated on me once then twice. so i thought that it waz all her fault. Me, being the asshole, it was i who dumped her without reasoning. I`m such a hypocrite i talk of pure and endlezz love when it waz right in my face.
next i stared doing ma thing when along came "daniell"(name has been changed do to some some braud) p.s.-A.B. click here if you da female im talikin bout The Woman i thought i waz gonna be with forever! boy waz i wrong! We were 2 differnt people all together. she was deep in her faith while i was still in questioning. and i still find it hard at times i mean i`m not saying she was like an angel or anything and god came easy for her it`s just she put more effort into that stuff. she was an all out beutiful person she was a great friend but why we lasted for a year 3 months i don`t know. i really messed up our chances for being friends, but she was such a forgiving person that she stayed my friend. during the time we were going out my really good friend scott started going out with my first love. steph i thought it was cool though he was a great guy and i wasn`t gonna loose my best friend over a girl. we remained best friends. then his sister who i loved so much was killed. (rest in peace Aubrey you know i still think about you all the time) and still to this day i cry over her. she was one of the coolest people i`ve ever met in my life. she had the most beutiful voice and believe me, she would`ve made it bigger than the kck ever would. after me and "daniell" broke up she went out with one of my friends pimp wigga`(he`s a fag)(lol) but it`s cool i never whooped his azz for it, should`ve, could`ve. But i didnt. cause the motto i`ll alwayz live by "BROZ B4 HOEZ"-MAD CHEDDA`i went back to my normal playin thing hoez here hoez there but that juz aint my style i can`t treat woman like that. so i had to find a more respectable way with woman. so i had to step up ma game a lil, take it to the next level. So when it came down to it i aint got it in me to be a player, cause i gotz to treat ladies wit the proper respect they need. so i keep it real wit da woman i care about, ya know what im sayin`? so i cant jus do em` and leave, that aint right!!! so i went threw some times wit diff woman and hella drama! so i went back to just playin` a lil` and just hangin` wit ma boys and thats when i got together wit da thugz. first i met Pimp Wigga cause he started hangin out wit ma sister, then he started going out wit "daniel" i threatened to kick his ass then i realized i was going against what i believe in strongly... broz befor hoez. so i just said fuck dat bitch fo doin` dat shit! oh well she was ma friend and all just she treated ma heart like shit plus she tried to come between me and ma homie. dat aint right, so fuck any girl dat wants all my damn time cause homies first dogg.
then after a lil` while i hooked up with this fine girl wich ya`ll know as Boofer x. but that didnt last long till we broke up we stayed good friends tough after about a year we hooked back up. it was all perfect then she gotta lil` to real wit it for me. so i split. cause dat shit was to much for me to handle. she got all obsessed wit me and it was just to fucked up now were just friends and i`m with this beutiful woman she`s out going, she`s beutiful and well perfect for me!
well i`m back t tell you te conclusion t that. I woke up nd the day was alrady feeling wierd! i mean it was all mezzed up! i waz atda R.B.M.`z pad nd called jento tell her i waz hanin out with ma broz an she gt kida mad and tried to talk me into leavin` maboyz so we could do somthing. but itold her i already had panz and i`ll try t fit her in. so i take care of my planz and then arund 11:20 i get toher house to give her a kiss goodnight and she was at the movies and wa suppozed to beback any min. so me and ma boy scotty chill waiting for her and around midnight a car rollz up she getz out then a guy getz out andi knew what waz boutz to happen so i turned around and ma boy`z like yup there`s ur girl and she`z kissin`soe dude. for the firzt time in my life i didn go to beat the mother fuckerz ass, i let him go and i went to talk to her and she`s like lets talk tomarrow. thats how i knew shdidnt give a fuck about what just happened. and the second scotty told me that i froze and my heart stopped. i put everything into that relationship, and she fucks me over. thats why im going back to being a player. cause you dont get hurt! so then i was hangin out with 2of her old friendz and well... being down and low. i did what anyman would i did stuff with both of them. then i guess onegot attached cause the next day she walked in on me and the other and wontsay shit to me since! damn bitches! but atleast the other understandz the meaning of a booty call. so chedda gonna keep being the romantic he naturally iz but to az many woman az possible!

"Play On Playaz"

perfect woman

Erin`s Quotes
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths staright." Proverbs 3:5