Monday, November 05, 2001

11:54:06 pm-

tuesday, November 06, 2001

12:39:13 AM

todays quote from MAD CHEDDA`

"it`s not the situations you face it`s how you handel those situations"

-a very smart substitute-


todays sugessted listening from Mad Chedda`




well tyrese is playing in the back, jessica is runing through ma mind and all i can do is smile. she` reached me where ive never let anyone. i admit that thinking on all my past relationships, they have prepared me for this. and i`ve handled it all just fine but the fact that i fell in love when that was the last thing on my mind kind of scares me because i think jessica is the one for me but i havent dated enough l8ly it`s been girlfriend after girlfriend with no break. and i know that i`ll end up hurt because i love her so much that i  wont be able to stand being a second away from her. everytime she asks if she`s annoying me i`m trying to figure out how she could get that impression. because i love it when she acts dorky around me it shows she`s cumfortable. wich inturn shows that i annoy her when i act like that. other wise why would she even wonder? good questions, but where`s the answers gonna come from? i love her but i wasnt ready at the time we settled i now. i feel i am. today while i was talking to jessica fag ass will (short little fucker) calls her and tries to tell her he loves her. then she hangs up. and then he`s like would it be better if i didnt love you? that dumb little fuck... if he`s gonna try to steal my girl atleast do it right!!! ok if i loved someone i`m not gonnna lie about it. i may not say it but i still will but i wont say i dont. see i know thats why he will never compare! he`s trying to win her with words...but i already not won but gained her love by actually meaning those words i say. so i have no problems to be worrying bout him. (now we got some usher playin here) thats whats sticking out in my mind.  but in the back of my head i see the fate of Kelly and pimp.  Pimp can see it`s been over for awhile but kelly lacks the sight to see her true road to happyness. Pimp can never please all of kelly`s needs in a whole life time!!! never! she needs someone that will be obsessed! and Pimp Wigga knows he could do better than ma sister, so she`ll never get him in check. and also l8ly andreas is really pissi me off! i dont know why either. ( now some kieth sweat)(now some ca$e) but i dot know what else to write off the top of my head. so untill the next time i gett of my lazy ass and type.

Posse Out- MAD CHEDDA`