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Links checked on 16/04/2004.


British Judo Council
Official website for the association that Kodomokai belongs to. Site now features BJC events listing.

International Judo Federation
News Headlines

I.J.F. Website

The site for the international legislative body for our sport, so fairly gauranteed to feature news from all across the world, on major competitions, competitors and conferences.
Judo Information Page

Extremely comprehensive Judo web site. Well worth the visit.
News and Information Network

Features a lot of United States Judo Association and Federation matters, and if their emails are anything to go by, the site has a curious pre-occupation with the war on terrorism, but I assume they feature judo matters at some point.
Brighton Judo Club

No data available.
Yorkshire & Humberside Judo Association

To see a non-BJC calendar of events.


Information on the only recognised judo body in Scotland. No idea what happened to the Scottish Judo Federation, which is where this link went previously.

A Guide to the Japanese Sword

How the traditional Japanese swords are made.
How to care for the sword
List of Traditional Sword Terms

Courtesy Tip of the Day: Never mention any Kizu when examining a blade unless the owner has specifically asked you to look for them.

Iaido: The Art of Drawing the Sword

Interesting information, including history of Iaido, Japan and the Japanese Sword. Looks very nice too.