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Celtic Recipes

Irish Potato Soup

2 lbs of potatoes
1 large onion
2 oz butter
2 pints vegetable stock
half a pint of milk
1 tablespoon chives or parsley
salt & pepper
1 teaspoon of cornflour

Peel and cut the potatoes in quarters. Peel and slice onions. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the potatoes and unions, cover and simmer for 10 min. without turning the vegetables brown. Add the stock, a pinch of salt & pepper and nutmeg, stir. Cover and bring to a boil, stirring continuously. Reduce the heat and simmer for 30 min., until the vegetables are soft, stir occasionally. Remove from heat and put through a sieve, return to saucepan. Stir in the milk and cornflour and bring to a boil, stir continuously. Remove from heat, serve with a sprinkling of chives of parsley.

Irish Potatoes and Eggs

8 irish potatoes (or potatoes)
1 1/2 cups of safflour oil
5 eggs, beaten

Peel and cube the potatoes. Fry potatoes in hot safflour oil over medium heat in an iron skillet, turning them several times to cook thoroughly. Remove potatoes, draining off all but one tablespoon of oil. Pat the cooked potatoes with paper towels to remove excess oil. Put potatoes back in the skillet and pour beaten eggs over them. Stir and cook just until the eggs are scrambled to your liking.

Soda Bread

3 cups all-purpose flour
3 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar (raw sugar is best)
2 cups sour milk (milk can be soured witha teaspoon of vinegar or orange juice, or set out at room temp. for three day)

Mix all ingredients except the milk, making sure they are well blended. Add the milk 1/4 cup at a time, bledning well with each addition. Dough should be tacky, but not crumbly, and should hold together well. If not add another tablespoon of milk. Continue to kneed for atleast 15 min. Work the dough into a ball, place it in the center of a greased and lightly floured baking shett and flatten slightly. Cut three straight, deep slash marks across the top with a knife. If you like you can brush a little melted butter on top. Bkae at 375 degrees for 45-50 min. The turn over and bake for another 5-7 min.