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Tribute to Henry David Thoreau

"I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberatley, to front only the essential facts of life, and to see if i could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that i had not lived" -Thoreau

Many people think that philosophy is boring. But I find it very interesting. It makes us think and opens our minds to new and wonderful insights.

Most of the links are to my favorite Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau who has greatly inspired me. He insipred me to live my life the way I want to and to not waste it. To slow down and appreciate nature and life and to remember to take it in. He stood up for what he believed to be right, and on occasion spent time in jail for not paying taxes because he believed the government was wrong in the ways it operated. He was against slavery and was very much a non-conformist. He taught me to be myself even if it's not popular, to be true to myself. He was a great man and I think he should be recognized. I feel that someone like Thoreau is more of an idol and an inspiraton than any celebrity or sports figure will ever be.

Thoreau Society Home Page

Walden Pond National Park

World Wildlife Federation Home Page

Ralph Waldo Emerson (Thoreau's mentor)