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May 4th 2003

Welcome to another monthly meeting!! Present were President Dave Piercy, Vice- President Don Browning, Project Cooridator Doug Loader, Secretary Tom Black, Member Bea Johnson, Member Matt Kvacik, and Member Tyson Spohn. Dave and the Core have uncovered a POSSI BLE connection to some Fedral money. Dave is to have another meeting with the CORE to see just what can be done with the money IF we are able to get it. In the mean time if you have any ideas for the park now would be the time to SPEAK UP!! If you do have an idea please e-mail me at or contact any of the SCORVA officers. We also talked about expanding the beginners riding area. Dave pointed out that we STILL need to FINISH our first project of the perimeter fence. Next work day, 5-18-03 we will tackle that job. That was about all, there a lot of trees down so ride safe. RIDE ON!!!!!!