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Turalyan's Web Site

Welcome to my web site.

My site contains various pictures from games like diablo and diablo 2. It may also contain pictures and information for Warcraft, Warcradt 2, and Warcraft 3 (which is not to be released until 2001). So enjoy my site and sign my guest book if you have any comments about any information you see.


Well I have the game and its story line is one of the best i have seen yet. The way the campaigns just mend together makes it one of my most recommended games to buy from Blizzards line of games.

Please sign my guestbook when you visit my site so that I know what you think about my site.

Go to the other pages to see more pictures.

Things on my site!
  • Diablo/Diablo2
  • Good web sites

    Unofficial Warcraft 3 Website
    Unofficial Diablo 2 Website
    Blizzard Entertainment Web Site
    Diablo 2 Web Site
    Wizards of the Coast Web Site
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