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The Unicorns
by Jamdin

Killing unicorns were banned so many years ago
In that other realm known only as Shadorm.
Many elves fought for the lives of the unicorns
But the trolls fought for the right to hunt.
Elves began roaming the land far and wide
Recuiting other races to join in their battle.
Last to join was the dwarves deep in the earth
Yet they fought with a fever unseen before.

Ask me not to repeat the battles that followed
Nor the number of lives that were lost
Nor the names of children and wives the wept.

Kind maiden, hear the sounds of the few remaining unicorns:
Everyone now respect those majestic beasts.
Tell them your well-kept secret and it will be guarded forever
Tell them your deepest desire and it will one day become real.
Everyday life is a struggle for those who would like to
Remember the days of our hidden and forgotten lives.
Insanity holds the answer to our calling
Needing only imagination to unlock that door.
Gift from the gods of old are those unicorns.

© Jamdin @ 2000 -2006

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