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The Great Hunt

Pg. xxii para.4: The man who called himself Bors could not decide whether it was a living being or not. A country lad, by his clothes with a light of mischeif in his brown eyes and a hint of a smile on his lips, as if in memory or anticipation of a prank.

Pg. xxvi para.6:...and the lad with a look of mischeif on his face...the Trickster.

Pg. 31 para.5: Mat Cauthon, long-limbed as a stork, wearing a half smile as if he saw something funy that no one else saw...they(Perrin and Mat) both still wore their Two Rivers garb, plain and sturdy, but travel-worn.

Pg. 31 para.6: Mat tossed the dice back as he stepped out, and one of the men called, "Here, southlander, you can't quit while you're winning."

Pg. 31 para.7: "Better then when I'm losing." Mat said with a laugh. Unconsciously he touched his coat at the waist, and Rand winced. Mat had a dagger with a ruby in its hilt under there, a dagger he was never with out, a dagger he could not be without. (not yet complete.)