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Portable Sound Systems

 Available for Booking Now




Musical Events

.....and more

About the equipment

Passport P-250. From night club acts to business seminars and health clubs to sporting events, the Passport
P-250's wide variety of original features make it the ultimate sound system. The P-250 system includes a powerful six channel, 250-watt stereo powered mixer with digital reverb and two custom full-range speaker cabinets. The system operates on AC. The system packs into a convenient, weather-resistant, portable package. Features: 250 watts stereo (125 watts per channel), four mic / line inputs and two mono /stereo inputs for CD, tape, video or computer connections. The P-250 system includes two P-51 microphones with cables and stand clips, two stands and speaker cables. The P-250 sets up in less than five minutes.

Includes on-site monitoring. Setup and takedown assistance required.

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Rate Schedule



*all rates plus travel


Phone (913) 367-4958

Jack Hayslett
1109 Mound Street
Atchison, KS 66002-1616

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