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undefined Kristi's Brain Defrag Title: Dr. John Frankenstein
Authors: Kristi
Summary: Has Doggett lost his mind and brought Mulder back from the dead in the form of a monster? Let's hope he gets out of this Dr. Frankenstein phase...
Spoilers: None.
Author's Note: I wrote this on July 31, 2001, the final revision was on August 1. Cassie had just bought a new Danny Elfman CD and we were listening to it. Then suddenly, it came to me. A story I have always wanted to bring to Fox & Rat... Frankenstein. Danny Elfman's music just inspired me in a way no other has done. And for that, I am greatful. Special thanks to Danny Elfman and Cassie for buying the Danny Elfman CD. I hope you enjoy this rather crazy story. This is my original draft that you can not find on the official Fox & Rat site. I pulled it and elaborated on it for the series.
Disclaimer: I do not own John Doggett, Fox Mulder, Alex Krycek, Walter Skinner, Dana Scully, or Marita Covarrubias. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. I do not own the tale of Frankenstein either.



An eerie old, black and white (if it were filmed) laboratory with no windows. The only window is on the celine, revealing the storm outside. There is a lot of lightening.

Doggett is working hard and intensly in this old and spooky laboratory. A body of a man we can't yet identify is laying on the table. A white cloth is covering him. This lab is very much in the style of Dr. Frankenstein's, and Doggett looks just as crazy.

From another table, Doggett picks up a brain, walks over to the corpse, which is now recognizable as the late Fox Mulder. Doggett places the brain inside of Mulder's head. He wipes some blood off of his hands onto his already blood-stained white doctor coat. Doggett grabs a needle and some thread from a near by tray and begins to sew up Mulder's head. Eventually, Doggett finishes sewing up Mulder's head and covers his head with the rest of the white cloth.

Doggett walks over to an electrical switch and pulls it up. It begins to lift Mulder towards the open roof. Sparks start to go crazy. Lightening strikes and more sparks fly. Doggett looks at Mulder's rising corpse and let's out an unexpected cackle!

The sparks die down, and Muler is lowered back to the ground. Doggett looks at him with crazed wide eyes.

Suddenly, Mulder's body twitches. He suddenly pops straight up. Doggett's crazed expression changes to horror.

What have I done...

Mulder slowly looks over to Doggett. Electricity sparks in his hair. His faces makes a weird twitch.

Dude... this is cool.

Doggett's eyes go wide as Mulde stands up. To our expected suprise, Mulder is wearing a t-shirt that says: "I'm With Stupid" with an arrow pointing up to his face.

You're not suppose to be alive.

I'm alive?

Doggett slowly shakes his head in disbelief. Mulder starts to walk over to Doggett to give him a hug. A finger falls off of his left hand. Doggett makes a disgusted look on his face and tries to get away from him.

(suddenly psycho)
But you have to love me...
You are my re-creator...

Just as Mulder is about to give Doggett a big squeeze, Doggett dodges him and runs up some stairs. Mulder, monster-like, follows him with his arms out stretched. Eerie shadows appear on the walls.


Dogget has nowhere to go. He frantically looks around the empty foor looking for a way to escape psycho, monster, Mulder. He looks over the ledge into the deep, dark, endless drop. Hearing Mulder's monsterous moan behind him, he quickly turns around.

To his unexpected suprise, Doggett sees a big ferris wheel with a spooky clown face smiling with it's tounge hanging out. Mulder is coming after him with his arms streched out.

On the ferrist wheel, Marita and Scully, and Krycek and Skinner are going around and around. They are eating cotton candy and laughing.

Doggett seems utterly confused. Mulder comes up behind him, causing Doggett to freak out and run towards the ledge of teh roof.

I just want a hug.

Suddenly, Marita, Scully, Skinner, and Krycek are surrounding Doggett. They look like rotted, smelly, gooy, corpses. They all hug him and say how much they miss him. Doggett remains terrified.

Scully attempts to kiss him, however a striped snake comes out of her mouch hissing and once again freaks Doggett out. He can't get away because everyone as him surrounded. There is only one thing Doggett knows he can do:


He looks over to Marita, her eyes aer missing and all he sees are black empty sockets. He looks over to Krycek and sees that one of his eyes is swollen shut from who knows what. Skinner is the next he sees, he has a huge crack in his bald head. Blood is slowly oozing out.

Frightened, Doggett turns and wiggles his way loose from them. He runs, however, there is no where to run, and he flies over the ledge.

The dead gang peers over the ledge and sees Doggett twisting down the endless drop. The fog below spirals around him, adding to the confusion. Naturally, Doggett screams.


DOGGETT sits up in his bed with a gasp. He is no longer in black and white. He quickly shakes his head to rattle out the odd dream he had. He leans over and turns ona lamp and reaches for his watch. It reads 3:28 in the morning. With that, Doggett falls back down and attemps to fall aslep before facing the daylight.