The forest was very green this time of the year... and poison ivy was their only enemy.
John Doggett and Dana Scully decided it was a perfect day for a stroll through the forest.
"Gee it's sure nice out here, Dana." John comented.
"Sure is John. I'm so glad we could finally get away from the chaos of work."
"Me too."
They take a few more steps through the luscious greenery.
"Oh Dana, you might want to watch out for poison ivy." John warned.
"Oh it'll be fine John. As long as you are here, nothing can harm me."
They take a moment to hug. They continue to walk.
"You know John... you are my knight in shinning armor." Dana declared happily.
John smiled at her... then noticed that she is standing in the middle of a patch of poison ivy!
"Oh no Dana! Watch out!"
Doggett leaps to her rescue! He sweeps her up in his arms and carries her to a hospital.
"Oh John... will I die?"
"I won't let you, hang on strongly my love."
A few hours after an operation, Scully is wheeled out in a wheel chair.
"Dana? Are you ok?" John asked.
"As long as you are here, John." She gives him a smile.