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Gourdcraft, Drawings and other Fun Stuff

About the artist:
Margie Lopez Read has been living in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of Placerville, California since 1982. Her biggest pride is her two daughters Ð Xochitl Alicia and Rosa Itzel, but loves her community as well. Besides her artwork, she and her husband Bob are avid hikers and trail runners, and enjoy the outdoors tremendously. She also works full time as an Environmental Scientist for the State of California, Water Resources Control Department. Art has been a part of her live since day 1, as her paternal grandmother was an accomplished oil and watercolor painter. Margie has many years experience with oil painting, but recently has embarked into the more earthy medium of hard-shell gourds. Rather than considering gourd embellishment as a decorative craft, Margie likes to put more meaning into each work of art, and generally has some message to be told with her gourds. There are themes of respect for different ethnicities, peach, freedom and protection of the environment in her collections. Although, not all is completely serious, and she is not adverse to some carefree frolicking with humorous and imaginative designs as well. Margie is a member of the Placerville Arts Association, and PASA (Political Artists of the Sacramento Area). She sends wishes of Peace, health and fun to you all!
To contact Margie: call her at (530)626-8846 or send her an e-mail at,