
Foxytime's Fanfic | My Favorites | Fanfic Award Winners

I've got a pretty wacky take of The X-Files universe inside my head. I write humor, so beware. I tend to write the characters out of character from the series :) I tend to write DSR (Doggett/Scully) stories, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for SSR (Scully/Skinner) and KSR (Krycek/Scully) so I'm hoping one day some of that will show up in my writing. All that I'm going to archive on this site, are my non "Fox & Rat" Virtual Series stories. I'm doing this because it is best to read the whole "Fox & Rat" series to follow our continuity. To break it up would be wrong, it's like one long continuing story. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated, your comments will help me improve and that is always a good thing. There are feedback forms at the bottom of each of my stories. Enjoy!

The fanfic included on the Favorites page, are well, my all-time favorite pieces of fanfic. I hope you take the time to check those out too and to send the author's plenty of feedback.