Title: Italian or Chinese?
Author: Cassie
Date: July 29, 2002
Rating: PG
Category: DSR
Archive: Just let me know where you are using it.
Feedback: I'm always hungry for it but why is it I'm always starving? Please send feedback to: foxytime@yahoo.com Summary: Doggett has been had… by Scully and Skinner

Author Notes: I’m writing this right now, not knowing what the story is going to be about, I’m just gonna type and see what comes out. I'm also not going to write in script form, like I usually do. This story is for all my SHODDSisters and the one and only (to our knowledge) SHODDSbrother. You guys rock my world. And to Kristi, for tolerating my liking of The DSR - even though you're the one that got it in my head in the first place. ;) Enjoy!


It was a normal day in the basement office of the X-files. Agent Doggett hadn’t slept well the previous night and was about to fall asleep on his desk. That is until Assistant Director Walter S. Skinner knocked on the door and scared the begeezus out of him.

“Ahem. Agent Doggett.” Skinner sounded a bit ticked.

Doggett sat up straight and attempted to look as if he was in the middle of typing up a case report or researching a case, just as the Assistant Director came in. Let’s just say, he isn’t pulling it off.

“Sir, I was just workin’ on gettin’ this uh…”, Doggett shuffled a few papers around on his desk, “this uh…”, crap, why couldn’t he come up with something at the top of his head? Within a beat or two, Doggett picked up a case he and Scully had been working on the other day. “I was just workin’ on typing up a case report for you, sir.”

Doggett winced just a bit as Skinner looked at him in disbelief.

“Which case?” Skinner asked.

“Oh you know, the one you sent Dana and I on last week, havin’ to do with the disappearance of some rare insect in southern Florida – “

“ – You mean you were typing up the report Agent Scully delivered to my office earlier this morning?”

Doggett didn’t know what to say, why hadn’t Scully told him she typed it and sent it in? Nervously, Doggett began to rub the back of his neck, unable to look the Assistant Director in the eye.

“I asked you a question, Agent.”

“Yes, that is the case I’m referring to. I didn’t know Agent Scully had finished it. You know how she is, always on top of things.”

Skinner smirked, unable to keep himself from looking completely humored.

“Oh, she told me about that, it seems you’re the one not on top of things.”

Now it was Doggett’s turn to be confused. What did Scully tell Skinner?

“Excuse me?”

Right on cue, as if listening from the hallway, Agent Scully happily walked into the office, passing Skinner and came up to Doggett and unexpectedly gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

“Good Morning, John.”

She sat down in the chair in front of the desk, and crossed her legs, and looked at him intensely.

Doggett, didn’t know what to do. Agent Scully just gave him a kiss on the cheek! In front of their boss! Oh this couldn’t go over well.

Finally realizing he’s being watched, Doggett let out a nervous cough and shifted his position in his seat. Skinner still had that gosh darn smirk on his face and Scully was looking at him expectantly.

“John? Is everything ok?”, Scully asked this as if she were concerned, but a smirk was plastered on her face as well.

What the heck is going on? Doggett thought to himself.

Nervously, Doggett replied to her greeting, “Good morning.”

Skinner turned his attention to Scully, his arm folded across his chest. They both smiled at each other as if they were attempting to play some kind of joke on him. But of course, Doggett decided that he was not one to be had by immature games. He simply leaned back in his chair and prepared himself for whatever was to come next…

“So, Agent Scully, I hear you’ve been on top of things lately?”

“Well, not exactly, sir.”, she answered him with a hint of disappointment in her voice, “You see, the case you sent Agent Doggett and I on, in Florida, didn’t work out the way we had planned.”


“Agent Doggett actually worked on the case that you had your secretary make up, that’s why you’ll see in our case report that nothing got solved.”

“Well, didn’t you get him out on the town like you told me you were gonna do? To make things happen?”

“He’s stubborn, sir.”, she hesitated and glanced at Doggett who was giving them both cold stares. She looked back at Skinner and sighed and spoke a bit lower, “You see, I’m not sure you’re right, sir.”

Skinner was taken aback. Him? Not right? That can’t be.

Determined, Skinner walked over to Doggett and squatted down in front of the agent and looked him square in the eyes.

“Agent Doggett. I’m going to ask you something and I want you to think carefully about how you respond because I’m in the position to put your job in jeopardy, are we understood?”

Doggett nodded his head.

“Are you attracted to Agent Scully and would you like to go out with her on a date tonight?”

Doggett blinked his eyes in disbelief. Did he just hear that come out of Skinner’s mouth?

“Excuse me?”

“Yes or no, Agent Doggett.”

Doggett’s ears flared red with the heat of embarrassment as he started to attempt to answer this question. Eventually he practically squeaked out his reply:


Skinner stood up with satisfaction, he turned to face Scully, who had a huge smile on her face.

“See Dana, I told you he wants you.”

And with that Skinner exited the office, leaving Doggett alone with Scully, feeling the need to explain himself to her.

“Dana…”, he began hesitantly, “about what I said – “

“So do you like Italian or Chinese?”


“Italian or Chinese? You did say you wanted to go out with me tonight, I thought dinner would be nice.”

“I wasn’t serious.” He lied to her and to himself.

The smile faded from Scully’s face.

“Aw, come on, Dana… it’s not that I don’t find you attractive – “

“Then what’s the problem? Obviously Skinner doesn’t care if we see each other outside the office. He was the one that told me to get you to – “

“ – Skinner is behind this?”

“He said he thought you liked me, and you do, so why stop anything from happening?”

“I don’t know.” He answered with a shaky voice.

“So let’s go out tonight. If you don’t like me for some reason, we’ll stick to the office.” She smiled a devious smile and continued. “You know… interesting things can happen in the office.”

Geez! Is she suggesting what he thinks she’s suggesting, because that’s just not proper! Doggett’s ears turned red again, he rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.

“And… interesting things can happen on a dinner date as well…”

Why is she doing this to him? She must get off on seeing him squirm uncomfortably in his seat. How long had Skinner known his feelings for her? How long had the two of them been planning on doing this to him?

As if reading his mind, Scully spoke.

“Three months, John.”


“What? You don’t believe in ESP? I’ve known you long enough to see that you’re wondering how all this happened today. To be truthful, I was supposed to make it happen in Florida, but you were to stuck on working that fictional case that Kim typed up. I mean, I’ve been trying to get your non-professional attention over the past year now, John, and you’ve been nothing but professional with me. Then when I walked in on Skinner and Kim making a bet that we’d never get together because we’re both too stubborn, I had to do something, so I made a bet with Skinner, saying that if we were allowed to go on a vacation of sorts, that I could make something happen. Then it didn’t.”

Ok, she was fessing up, he might as well too.

“Ok. I am attracted to you.”

Yeah, great fess up man. She rambles on and all you can do is say something like that.

“So we’re on for tonight?”

“I guess so.”

“Can’t you be straight about anything? Yes or no?”

“Yes, we’re on for tonight.”

“Italian or Chinese?”

“Chinese, those restaurants are usually not so crowded.” He gave her a handsome smile and continued with confidence. “Plus maybe now that all this is out in the open between us, I’ve got a few things I’d like to talk to you about. About us.”

“Intriguing. Mind giving me a hint as to what’s on your mind?”

Doggett stood up and grabbed the file about the “insects in Florida”. He started to head toward the door, and on his way out, he bent down and gave Scully a small kiss on the cheek. He continued to the door.

“Oh, just some things…”

He smiled at her and exited the office. Leaving Scully knowing damn well how this day was going to end.


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