My Take On Mulder

Ok, so I've found a better way to describe myself as a fan of The X-Files:

I am a DSR Supporting Fripper Foxley Scunner SKipper Skamper MSR/DRR Noromo with a soft spot for unconventional relationship pairings. A Spender Defending fan of Doggett, Reyes, Follmer, Diana, Scully, Skinner and Season 1 - 7 Mulder. Lover of the Alien Bounty Hunter, Well-Manicured Man, Quiet Willy and all the men of the Syndicate.

Having said that, I'm sure you are wondering why I'm only a fan of Season 1 - Season 7 Mulder. Well I'll attempt to explain this below.

When I first began watching The X-Files during the summer of 1998, I fell in love with the Mulder character. The things that made me like him back then were missing in the last two seasons of The X-Files. Mulder wasn't his goofy self, he wasn't light-hearted, he didn't seem to care about anyone else except himself.

OK, some of you may be thinking "well, he sure cared a lot about Scully." No, he didn't. In Season 8 when Mulder returned from the dead, he only stuck around until Scully gave birth to her son. After that, we find out that Mulder ditched her again, and that Scully's son's life was in danger. Now if Mulder truly cared about Scully and her son, don't you think he would have done everything in his power to be there to protect them? Especially after all that bogus "Dearest Dana" B.S. Chris Carter wrote to get off on (just another theory of mine, perhaps I'll elaborate later). I think the Mulder from Season 1 - 7 would have stayed with them, to watch over them, to protect them, especially if Scully and her son were the most important things in his life. Obviously this was not the case. Mulder decided that chasing after "the truth" was more important than his closest friend. Mulder ran off and claimed that it was his life that was in danger, when we all saw that Scully's son was even more in danger. Now I'm no fan of her child by any means, but man alive that kid was in more trouble than anyone during Season 9. And where was Mulder? Hiding behind some computer screen writing e-mails to Scully. Saving his own ass. Oooohhh... he cared so much ::: rolls eyes :::

Then when Mulder returns for the series finale, he pretends that he wants to see Scully and her child, but we later see that he finds "the truth" to be more important than them both, he was willing to give up his life for "the truth". But why, I ask you, was he not willing to risk himself for Scully and her son? He didn't care about them because he became so self-centered over the years that he couldn't see what should be more important to him, even if the Scully went straight up to his face and told him. He would just tell her, "I have to find the truth". Me, me, me. I, I, I. Myself, myself, myself.

It's sad that the writers made Mulder this way, because what I loved about Mulder was how caring he used to be toward any characters, like Lucy Householder (Oubliette), Melissa Riedal-Ephesian (The Field Where I Died), and Marty Glenn (Mind's Eye).

And I most certainly cannot forget the way he treated Doggett, especially after all that Doggett had done for him: protect Scully, became familiar with all the x-files, helped Skinner dig him up so he could come back to life. The real Fox Mulder would have been grateful, but no... the Season 8 Mulder decided it would be fun to regress and act like an infant when he first meets Doggett. What was up with Mulder shoving Doggett with an immature pout on his face? Seesh, you'd think a rabid shipper who also happens to be anti-Doggett wrote that bit of the script. That was very irritating, my Mulder never would have treated John Doggett that way. Never.

So you might wonder if I have a wacked out theory on this change of behavior. I have a few...

First, David Duchovny didn't care about the character any longer. He wanted out after Season 7 and they dragged him back in. The uncaringness I talk about above wasn't really the fault of the writers, but that of the actor who showed up and didn't get the job done.

Second, it wasn't really Mulder that the aliens returned and later Skinner and Doggett dug up from six feet under. Rather it was an alien. The real Mulder is still up in outer space asking all the little green men what all the red buttons do on their space craft. I'm a firm believer that Mulder is still up there with the aliens and he is happy and doesn't need to come back to Earth.

Third, Mulder was getting so sick of Scully that he ran off and found where Diana Fowley was hiding after she was supposedly "killed". He is living with her, married and happy. They are expecting their first child any day now :) The Mulder we thought was Mulder in Season 8 and 9 is really a heartless shape-shifting alien, sent by Diana and Mulder to convince Scully and Doggett that they had found Mulder, just so they would stop looking for him. Mulder and Diana thought it would be funny to kill the shape-shifting alien and then bring him back to life, just to freak out John Doggett.

Fourth, it was really Mulder and he was fed up with pretending to be a friend to Scully. So to prove those at M.A.S.H.E.O. correct, he came back to express The Hate. So he pulled the ultimate ditch at the most important time in Scully's life, all for his very own selfish reasons. The true face of Mulder we didn't see in the first seven seasons!

Fifth, Mulder died while on the alien space craft. He never came back and he never will. I always thought that by the end of the series, the only way to say goodbye to the Mulder character, was a permanent goodbye. I thought it would be best to have him die for his cause, it would have meant a lot more to me as a Mulder fan.

Gosh, I know I had more theories on this, I just can't recall them all right now. Check back, I may update this portion of my rant sporadically (I'll announce it on my updates page).

OK, that's a lot of negative energy about Mulder, or as some people I know (hi SHODDS! ::: waves :::) like to say, Moulder. So I'll end this on a happy note :)

Though it may seem that I dislike Agent Fox Mulder, that is not correct. I love Mulder, I just tend to disagree with a lot of his actions.

Mulder was witty, boyishly charming, a doof, intelligent and a caring being. I loved his open-mind, the way he jumped to conclusions that usually ended up solving cases. I loved the way he ran and jumped on moving trains and had the guts to yell at Mr. X. He would take risks no matter what the consequences and only think of those around him, not himself. These things are what made Mulder Mulder. I love that character with all my heart. I use to be a die-hard Mulder fan, but that was taken away from me by the character's actions in Season 8 and 9. I don't think I can ever understand what prompted 1013 to do that to a once incredibly lovable character, all I know is that as a fan, I was disappointed and Season 8 and 9 Mulder will always leave me feeling bitter. Thank goodness for old school reruns and my DVDs :) And yes, I do have a theory on why 1013 had Mulder act certain ways toward a certain new character on the show... it all has to do with pleasing the rabid shippers.

If you've made it this far, you will see that there is no need to send me flames, I am still a Mulder fan, I just have to find my ways to explain his out-of-characterness of Seasons 8 and 9. The way I decide to look at is, is that Mulder died and we'll never see him again.

R.I.P. Fox William Mulder.


NOTE: I wrote this at 3:30 a.m. It is very possible that I may have overlooked some details about Mulder from the last two seasons, therefore there could be minor inaccuracies in the rant. But I'll back that up and say that what I express on this page, is how I saw Mulder during those seasons, so inaccuracies or not, this is my mind :)

Remember, flames will be laughed at momentarily and then trashed, don't waste your time.