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If you do not draw a Kansas Deer Hunting permit in the Kansas draw system, we will refund your full deposit. Remember, if you don't draw a deer permit, I may be able to get you a land owners permit.

Our hunts require a 50% deposit down on the date of booking. Personal checks will only be allowed on the deposit. The balance must be paid with a certified check at least 30 days prior to the date of the hunt. No return of deposit will be granted 60 days before a hunt. If necessary, your deposit can be applied to a next year hunt. There will be no money returned for early outs on hunts.

Most of our deer hunts will be archery only with a limited number of rifle and muzzle loader hunts, so book early!

Turkey hunting tags are over the counter.

Kansas Deer Hunting

Five-day hunts are a FULL 5 Days of deer hunting, with first day check-in and seventh day checkout!

Kansas Turkey Hunting

Kansas Pheasant/Quail Hunt

All of our hunting trips provide:

Not Provided

Some Deer Hunting packages may include permit. Special accomodations and rate for individuals with physical challenges.

Ask us about Antelope hunts in county!

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