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More Digimon Tamers

Name: Kazu
"Guardromon" (Rookie)
"Andromon" (Ultimate)

One of the most Digi-Fanatic character you'll ever meet^^ He'd do ANYTHING to go to the Digital World and get his own Digimon! He gets his chance, when he tags along with the tamers and going in there. When coming across a wounded Andromon, he stands by his side and after evolving back to Guardromon and helping him out, he soon becomes a Tamer himself. How happy Hiro is then

Name: Kenta
Unknown at this point
"MarineAngemon" (Mega)

Another Digi-Fan like Hiro, always playing the card game and wishing to have his own Digimon. Also going to the Digital World as well, he envies the others for all having patners but him... Kenta soon does get his own partner, MarineAngemon in episode 41. With his size in this case, I guess you can call him a "Pocket Monster."

Name: Shuichon Lee/Suzie Wong (Henry's youngest sister!)
(Her name is also spelled Shaochung, which is the Cantonese spelling of her name.)

"Lopmon" (Deva Rookie)
"Antieramon/Antylamon" (Deva Ultimate)

She is just a joyful little kid^^ Playing with Terriermon, having fun, just living life at its funest. Of course, thinking Terriermon was only a toy, she soon finds out it is a living creature. When playing at a park one day, she got transported to the Digital World and met Antiramon, a Deva guarding an secret place. After the rabbit plays with her and she's almost captured by Makuramon, he betrays the Soverign and saves her form him. His Deva powers are eliminated and evolves back into Lopmon. Shao is as happy as she could possibly be and is made Tamer. But that won't be the last you'll see of the giant rabbit...

Name: Ryo Akiyama
Solid Blue with Silver highlights
"Monodramon" (Rookie)
"Strikedramon?????" (Champion)
"Cyberdramon" (Ultimate)
"Justicemon" (Mega)
*Justicemon requires Ryo and Cyberdramon to Bio-merge (a form of DNA Digivolve)

In late 1999, Ryo is sent a digivice. He proceeds to enter the Digiworld, where he meats up with Agumon. He helps Rescue Tai and the other 01 Digidestined from Milleniumon. Then later after witnessing the battle between Omnimon (Omegamon) and Diaboromon (Diablomon) Ryo receives the first D-3. . He is summoned to the Digiworld again, but this time with Ken. They find Milleniumon still alive, and after defeating him they seal him into the dark crystal. However, upon his defeat Milleniumon releases the dark spores. One of these aims for Ryo but Ken takes it instead. Again around 2000-01, Ryo is called. This time to participate in the D-1 tournament. Ryo wins, but he has to face Moon=Milleniumon. Ryo ends up getting thrown into a time warp. He awakes in the Digiworld at its beginning and meats Monodramon. Monodramon leads Ryo to the first computer. This computer gives Ryo the power to travel between dimensions. Eventually, he faces (Zeed?) Milleniumon. He reveals that he was Ryo's original partner. After an argument between Milleniumon and Monodramon, A fusion occurs resulting in the feral Cyberdramon. With this, Ryo decides to stay in the Tamer’s dimension. In the Tamers dimension, Ryo was a legendary card player, even besting Rika (Ruki). He entered the Digiworld because Cyberdramon was too feral to keep in the real world. In episode 28 he appears with Cyberdramon to stop Megadramon. And stays with them during the next episode, slashing one of the 6 devise cards, the Kings Devise. This causes Cyberdramon to grow and he destroys Majiramon. They then have to leave the group to satisfy Cyberdramon’s thirst for blood. They eventually run into the Digiworld Guardians and Cyberdramon dedigivolves to Monodramon. They joins the other in the Ark and travels back to the real world. He then meets up with a man who seems to be his father. In episode 46 Justimon will appear.

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