Date: August 11, 2007
Preseason Week 1
Team 1 2 3 4 Final
KC 0 7 0 5 12
CLE 3 3 3 7 16
Visitor playmakers:
DB Benny Sapp, DT Patrice Majonda-Mwkamba
Home playmakers:
RB Chris Barclay
Network: Chiefs
Television Network (KCTV
Announcers: Roger Twibell, Jayice Pearson
Pregame: Yes
Halftime: Yes
Postgame: Yes – Chiefs Endzone Show
Commercials: Yes
Grade: Excellent
Notes: The Chiefs
look like they will pull off the win, but their inability to tackle on special
teams allows
Running time: 3:28 (2 discs)