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Visitor:  Kansas City Chiefs

Home:  Cleveland Browns

Date:  August 11, 2007

Preseason Week 1



Team                1          2          3          4          Final

KC                  0          7          0          5            12

CLE                 3          3          3          7            16


Visitor playmakers:

DB Benny Sapp, DT Patrice Majonda-Mwkamba


Home playmakers:

RB Chris Barclay


Network:  Chiefs Television Network (KCTV Kansas City)

Announcers:  Roger Twibell, Jayice Pearson


Pregame:  Yes

Halftime:  Yes

Postgame:  Yes – Chiefs Endzone Show

Commercials:  Yes


Grade:  Excellent


Notes:  The Chiefs look like they will pull off the win, but their inability to tackle on special teams allows Cleveland to get the lead.  The Chiefs then blow their chance to take the lead back when third-string quarterback Casey Printers fumbles the snap inside the Cleveland 5-yard line and the Browns recover.


Running time:  3:28 (2 discs)