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Visitor:  Kansas City Chiefs

Home:  St. Louis Rams

Date:  August 30, 2007

Preseason Week 4



Team                1          2          3          4          Final

KC                  0          0          0          3             3

STL                 3          0          7          0            10


Visitor playmakers:



Home playmakers:

WR Marques Hagans


Network:  Chiefs Television Network (KCTV Kansas City)

Announcers:  Roger Twibell, Jayice Pearson


Pregame:  Yes

Halftime:  Yes

Postgame:  Yes

Commercials:  Yes


Grade:  Excellent


Notes:  The Chiefs put a sorry end to their sorry preseason.  The offense does not produce, and although the defense does, it’s not anything special.  Lots to worry about for the upcoming season.


Running time:  3:21 (2 discs)