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Information on Kingdom Archaebacteria.
  • Unicellular
  • Prokaryotic
  • Lives in harsh environments.
  • Some produce energy from chemosyntheses.

Three main Phyla in Kingdom Archaebacteria are...

  • Methanogens-have the ability to harvest energy by converting H2 and CO2 into methane gas.
  • Halophiles-salt helps them to thrive.
  • Thermoacidophiles-found in extreme acid conditions and in high temperatures.
  • Scientific name-Halobacterium
  • Moves by using hairlike flagella at their ends.
  • They have a hight tolerance level of salt and they live in areas with high concentration levels of salt.
  • Need at least three to four times the amount of salt in sea water and can stand up to nine times the salt in sea water!
  • If they don't get enough salt then their outer protein "wall" and their inner cell membrane will dissolve which destroys the cell.
  • They have red pigment and that causes the water they are in to seem red or pink.
  • They can stay alive in dry salt crystals for years!

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Information on Kingdom Archaebacteria!
Website on Archaebacteria.

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