Title: The Pilot
Authors: Cassie & Kristi
Summary: Mulder and Krycek meet on an airplane...
Spoilers: None, we try to create our own stuff... but remember sometimes we have to refer to happenings in the actual show "The X-Files"...
Disclaimer: We do not own the characters Mulder and Krycek, Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and 20th Century Fox own them.
We hear the captin of an airplane over the intercom. A typical pilot boring flat voice tone...
We'll be taking off
in about five minutes
and we apologize for the delay.
looking tired, and sick of waiting.
To his right is:
reading an on-flight magazine with glasses on.
What is the hold up?Scully answers in a pre-occupied, dubious tone. She doesn't even look up to answer him.
SCULLY Scully gives Mulder that classic "Mulder, drop it" look, she has had enough of him for one trip. She goes back to read her on-flight magazine.
Some important government
employees haven't boarded yet.MULDER
Well, I'm more important
than them.
is bored and tired, so he decides to lay down on the other two 'open' seats next to him.
gives him an irritated glance.
MULDER After a few more moments, we ANGLE DOWN ONTO the aisle floor on:
This is much better.
Someone's feet, slowly approaching Mulder and Scully's sest. The feet kick some poor kid's fluffy white bunny rabbit toy out of his way.
CAMERA RISES FROM THE FEET as we follow up the legs of this mysyerious man, to his upper body and finally to his face, to reveal none other than... Alex Krycek.
Krycek's face, reacting to the sight of Mulder sleeping in his seat, a very blank expression. He passes the camer and is followed by a young blonde woman who works for the UN... Marita Covarrubias.
These are the special government employees...
Looking down at Mulder... sleeping in their seats. Scully starts to shake Mulder awake.
SCULLY Mulder looks up and sees Krycek standing above him, he quickly sits up and pats on their seats... almost inviting them to dare to sit down next to him.
You're sleeping in
these people's seats...
wake up.MULDER
KRYCEK Mulder looks frightened... some FBI agent.
(to Mulder)
Sir, if we are going
to be on this flight
together, I suggest
that you behave yourself.
MARITA Krycek obeys and reluctantly sits down next to Mulder.
(To Krycek)
Alex, just sit down.
MULDER As Mulder continuously taps him on the shoulder,
(to Krycek)
I've got cards,
wanna play cards?
KRYCEK Mulder pouts.
(to Marita)
So, what about them Knicks?MULDER
You like the Knicks too?
I love the Knicks.MARITA
I prefer San Antonio.KRYCEK
Me too.
MULDER Mulder gasps and pouts.
The network rigged it all.KRYCEK
No, I did.
She is making her rounds with the refreshment cart, handing out meals. She comes to them and gives them their meals. Mulder, Scully, and Marita are the only one's eating, Krycek knows better.
KRYCEK As Krycek explains what is really wrong with the food, everyone around him stops eating, except Mulder, he doesn't care.
That's sick you guys.
A few hours later, Mulder and Krycek have fallen asleep, opposite ends from eachother. Scully finally really notices Marita, she double glances.
Marita?Marita looks up from reading some files, and looks at Scully she finally recognizes her former college roommate.
MARITA Out of nowhere.
Dana!? I thought you
looked familiar!SCULLY
What were you doing in
Russia? And who's the guy?MARITA
That's Alex, and he thinks
he's gonna rule the world.SCULLY
He's cute.
KRYCEK Marita and Scully look over to Krycek... yeah... whatever, then suddenly Mulder has had enough, he stands up and pulls out his gun, he looks rather insane.
That's right, I'm
damn sexy.
MULDER Mulder laughing (he's had a few drinks.) pulls out his gun.
That's it... you!
You are not sexy!
Never have been,
never will be!KRYCEK
Yeah, you're just
jealous, women are
always crawling all
over me.MARITA
Oh yeah, that explains
the guy in jail.
SCULLY Mulder pulls the trigger, Marita screams, Krycek does nothing... he still believes he's damn sexy, he's got a big head.
(standing up)
She has been shot, she is in shock.
SCULLY Mulder looks to Marita...
Mulder? Is
that... water?!MULDER
No, it's ink!
MARITA Mulder now takes aim at Krycek... he pulls the trigger about seven times.
Don't you dare pull
that trigger, or I'll
get out my gun.
KRYCEK Mulder sits down, his feelings are hurt, no one wanted to start a water fight on the airplane. As they all get settled, Scully notices that the ink on her nice white blouse is beginning to disappear. Scully playfully punches Mulder in the shoulder, she doesn't want to hurt him, a crying Mulder is the last thing they want to deal with right now.
(still sitting, a bit annoyed)
And he's a mature FBI agent.MULDER
How do you know I'm
an FBI agent?KRYCEK
I work for people higher
than the government.
A few hours later, which seemed like days, they finally land.
CAPTAIN (V.O.) Kryce unbuckles his seat belt, stands up to get his bag out of the overhead compartment. Scully hands Marita her card (with phone number on it), so that they can get together later... we will find out they are roommates... in later stories.
Welcome to Washington D.C.
The local time is 11:30 am,
and the current temperature is
67 degrees. Please remain seated
until the place is properly secured
at the terminal and the seat belt
signs have been switched off.
Thanks for flying Kriysa Airlines.
The plane suddenly JOLTS! BOOM! Krycek falls down. Marita is the only brave soul to laugh at him. Krycek stands up, rather embarassed, pretending nothing happened, his face is bright red, he hands Marita her bad, she is still chickling, Krycek's face is boardering on dark red/purple, he's not looking anyone in the eye. We see Mulder in the background trying to hold in his laughter... but he can hold it in any longer, his face is the same color, but from not breathing.
MULDER Scully wipes some spit from her face...
(bursts out lauging)
(spit flies everywhere)
(he points at Krycek)
(annoyed, deadpan)
I noticed.
Mulder is trying to sleep on his couch, he is hearing footsteps in the apartment right next to him. Hmmmmm, a new neighbor, Mulder makes NO attempt to go greet, ya know, besides the fact that it is in the middle of the night... Mulder turns to his fish, on the bookshelf next to his couch, and says "goodnight", he then turns back around and gets all comfy, closes his beautiful eyes and falls asleep... little does he know of what is to come ...