Title: The "Scary" Movie
Written by: Cassie
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Marita and Scully rent a 'scary' movie, and before watching it, they learn something new about Krycek.
Author's Note: Ok, so I have no clue where this idea came from ... wait. I do. I'm really scared of watching "scary" movies so I decided to write about watching one ... kinda. I hope you like this one, but what you should really be looking forward to is my next story "Bluhp! Bluhp!". I'd appreciate feedback! :)
Disclaimer: Scully, Marita, Skinner, Krycek and Mulder do not belong to me. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century Fox.
Marita and Scully are wandering around, they are at a loss. They are in the comedy section looking for some romantic comedy such as FRENCH KISS. Marita is holding a Mountain Dew in her hand. They don't seem enthousiastic about this.
MARITA She's interrupted by Scully, she's looking at her oddly.
What if they made this a
thrasher movie?! You know
Kevin Cline's charcter kill
Meg Ryan's character, and...
SCULLY Scully and Marita wander into :::drum roll::: ... dah! dah! dah! daaaaaaah! .... the horror section ...
Marita, I think you
need to see a horror
film (beat) but Walter
wants something funny.
(beat, thinks) Oh well!
We are the movie box that Scully and Marita are looking at ... our vision is blurred from the plastic protective covering.
The triumphant expressions on Marita and Scully's faces explain it all ... they are in *their* section.
MARITA Marita picks up the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street". Scully looks at her and shakes her head ...
Now this is what
I call entertainment!
SCULLY They look at the movies of their choice and head to the counter to check out. When they hand the movies over to the employee, he gives them a strange look, he doesn't think they look like the kind of people that would concider watching "thrasher" movies. He rings them up anyways...
(proud, holds up another movie)
The Exorcist.
EMPLOYEE The Employee grins at them, knowingly. Scully and Marita don't react to him. They don't understand why he is telling them this! Marita turns around and grabs a Mountain Dew from the refridgerator.
Sure you don't want to
rent "Scream 2"? Jerry O'Connell
is in it. A lot of women seem to
have a thing for Jerry.
EMPLOYEE Marita hands him money.
(trying to move on to a new subject)
So what's your favorite scary movie?SCULLY/MARITA
(each saying their favorite)
The Exorcist! Nightmare on Elm Street!EMPLOYEE
(scared of them)
Ok then ... umm
your total is $4.10.
EMPLOYEE With that, giddy as little kids gonna sneak behind their parent's back to watch an "R" rated movie, Scully and Marita run out of the store.
Have a nice night.
Movies are due back Wednesday
before midnight.
Scully is on the phone, calling Skinner to have him come over to watch their movie rentals. Marita is in the BACKGROUND popping popcorn, she looks interestingly excited about this and extremely hyper.
SCULLY Marita already a bit hyper, starts to giggle uncontrollably, she falls to the floor laughing as the pop corn popper continues to pop... the top of the popper falls to the floor as well. Marita doesn't realize this since she is now laughing so hard.
(on phone)
Hey hon', aren't you
off work yet?SKINNER
No. Unfortunately Agent Mulder
and Agent Krycek saw it fitting to
go after Agent Alfredo about
borrowing his (beat) Hawaiian Bunny
video, and I'm about to have a talk
with those two.SCULLY
Agent Alfredo?SKINNER
Yeah, a new kid.
Robert Alfredo, we were
thinking about pairing him
with you, Mulder and Krycek, but....SCULLY
But what?SKINNER
... but, Agent Alfredo
seems to be a bit scared of
those two now.SCULLY
Scared?! (to Marita, yelling)
Marita! Some new agent is
scared of Mulder and Alex!
SKINNER Behind Scully, we hear Marita laughing on the floor in hysterics. It almost sounds like she's crying so hard from laughing. SUDDENLY, a piece of popcorn flies out of the popping machine, followed by another and another and another ... it starts to overflow!
Apparently, Mulder and Krycek
were trying to get him to pay
for "late fees" for not returning
their video when he said he would.SCULLY
Late fees?!
MARITA Scully smiles and hangs up the phone. And then heads into the kitchen to check up on Marita. She walks over to the overflowing popcorn popper and the hysterical Marita and unplugs the machine.
(on floor laughing, hyper)
Make it ... Sto-oooooop!!!!!!!SCULLY
(not laughing, to Skinner)
I have to go. Marita's on
something (beat) I think ...
it's probably the Mountain Dew.
Come over when you get off, we
rented some classics (beat, seductively)
(filtered, embarrassed)
Dana. You know how I get when
you call me that ...SCULLY
See you later (beat) Sir.
Skinner is walking down the hallway, wearing his trench coat, he looks like a toughman. He approaches Scully and Marita's door, and takes out his set of keys. He hears laughter coming from inside and Marita laugh-talking.
MARITA Skinner used his key to open the door and sees Marita holding a remote control and some kiddie figure skating competition is on the TV screen. A little boy is wrecklessly skating around the ice rink to the music of Mozart. Scully is sitting next to her, not really amused and calm.
(off screen)
...a-and then ... (holds in big laugh)
he fell!!!! ... w-wait!! You've got to
see this!!
MARITA Skinner has a goofy look on his face, he's grinning. A kind of Chandler Bing look from the NBC series "Friends".
Isn't Alex adorable?!
SKINNER We see little Alex Krycek fall down on the ice and pissed off he jams/kicks his skate blade into the ice, stands up and sticks his tongue out at the ice surface. Marita rewinds the tape to see it again...
Who. is. that?MARITA
It's my Alex. He's
five years old ... didn't
you know (beat, looks at TV)...
Aww!! He's so cute!SCULLY
Does Alex know you have this?MARITA
(hysterial squealing)
Marita is still watching old figure skating tapes of Krycek at competitions. She looks all giddy and overjoyed and a little bit more hyper than she really should be. She is sitting on one end of the couch (lights are off in the room) and on the other side, unoticed by Marita at this particular moment, are Scully and Skinner, all over each other, like couples in a dark corner at a high school dance, it looks hot. There are some pleasureable moans coming from them.
MARITA She realizes exactly what they are doing...
(suddenly noticing)
Hey you two! Let's watch ...
MARITA Scully and Skinner emerge from the depths of their passion ...
Hey! Stop that! Let's
watch the movie!
SCULLY Skinner and Scully part, both look exhausted. They sprawl out on the couch, they need to cool off. Scully's basically half undressed by now, she stands up to go get changed, followed by Skinner ... he keeps spare clothes at their apartment :)
(messy hair and all)
Uh-huh ... (takes deep breath)
We PAN ACROSS who is sitting on the couch. Horror movie noises are all we hear at the moment. This is a different mood than the beginning of the episode. As WE PAN, we see MARITA very focused on the movie, but you can still see the excitement in her eyes. PAN ACROSS to SKINNER he is trying to act all tough, but we can all see right through him and know he is really scared to death!. PAN TO, SCULLY. She's looking over at Skinner, grinning. We see that skinner is uncomfortable because of the building scary music in the movie. Scully puts her hand on his shoulder, he flitches, almost jumps out of his seat!
SCULLY A horrible scream comes from the TV and again Skinner cowers into a pillow from the couch. Scully and Marita just look at him.
(to Skinner)
It's only a movie.SKINNER
(acting tough)
I know ... I was just
trying to scare you guys.
MARITA Skinner pokes his head out from behind the pillow (light flashes from the TV), he finally gives in and without saying anything, confirms by the shrug of his shoulders that Scully and Marita are right about his fear of "scary" movies.
Sure Walter (laugh)
you know ... (rolls eyes)SUDDENLY! There is a CRASH of THUNDER, Skinner freaks out, a storm has arrived outside!
MARITA And the movie goes on as Skinner lays his head in Scully's lap ... trying to cower away.
(re: thunder)
Oh goodie!!!SKINNER
(re: thunder, whimpering)
Oh... no...
It is still stormy outside and Skinner decided to stay the night ... again. He's scared, he wants to be with his *Dana* :) Scully is fast asleep and Skinner ... well ... let's just say he's a bit paranoid. A few moments later just as he is about to fall asleep ...
SUDDENLY!! Scully's celll phone rings! It scares the crap out of Skinner! Scully doens't even wake up. Skinner reaches over and answers:
SKINNER There is a flash of lightning, and we hear Krycek in the BACKGROUND laughing ... they are prank calling people.
Who ... is it?MULDER
(filtered, "scary" voice)
What's your favorite
scary movie?
Skinner quickly hangs up and quickly pulls the bed sheets up over his head, we hear a slight whimper. As Scully, sleeping, rolls over ... looking peaceful.
SCULLY Off Skinner's terrified, girly screams, heard only in horror movies, we ...
(out of nowhere, loud, in Skinner's face)