Title: A New Partners
Written by: Cassie & Kristi
Summary: Doggett gets a new partner or two...
Spoilers: None...
Disclaimer: John Doggett, Monica Reyes, Alex Krycek, Alvin Kersh, Marita Covarrubias, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, and Walter Skinner are not ours by creation, they were created by Chris Carter and are owned by 20th Century Fox and 1013 Productions, we use them without permission. Robert Alfredo was created by Cassie & Kristi. The characters of God and The Devil were not created by us either and we're not exactly sure how to state a disclaimer for them. The way God and The Devil are portrayed through our series is not to be taken seriously and is not intended to offend anyone, it's all in good humor.
We realize that we are not outside but in actuality we are in an observatory. We pan along the eager eyes of college students to find Agent John Doggett and Monica Reyes. They are watching the stars above.
MAN'S VOICE Reyes seems t be really into it. Doggett looks over to her. He clears his throat in a way to get her attention. She doesn't notice.
As you can see, right above you
is a nebula. A nebula is a numerous
clouds of gas or dust in interstellar
space. It is hypothesized in astronomy-
Monica?She still doesn't notice.
DOGGETT She looks over at him.
(a little louder)
Why couldn't we bring
pop corn again?Monica turns to him and touches his shoulder.
John... that's not a good example
to set for the children. They are
here for their education... not to
behave as if they are watching a movie.DOGGETT
But I've already graduated from collegeMONICA
Then behave like it.They sit and watch the stars for a beat. Then, restless, Doggett speaks again.
DOGGETT A student behind them shushes Doggett. Doggett stops his talking for the time being.
This is boring. Why did we come?MONICA
To keep your mind off
of certain things...DOGGETT
What things?MONICA
I don't think you want
to discuss it here...DOGGETT
Why not?MONICA
Because I feel you haven't
moved on from your loss.DOGGETT
Yes I have Monica-
The sky and stars... we faintly see the grinning face of Alex Krycek among the constellations. Scared, Doggett looks away and quickly glances from left to right. Then looks behind him... and then sinks low into his seat. Monica looks at him annoyed.
MONICA Monica look sup at the sky with wide eyes.
(to Doggett)
Please don't tell me you're
getting scared of the observatory
like you were in the third grade...DOGGETT
N... I just... thought I
saw something...MONICA
A shooting star?
What then?DOGGETT
Nothing. Now hush!All eyes are on them... including the speaker.
If you two don't cease your
conversation I'll have to
ask you to leave.A beat, John Doggett looks around.
DOGGETT Monica stands up, angry.
Are you talking to us?SPEAKER
Yes, I'm speaking to you, sir.DOGGETT
(points at Monica)
She started it.
John Jay Doggett, don't you
dare accuse me of this. You're
the one that got bored of the
educational lecture and decided
to bother me about it-
EXT. OBSERVATORYGuards toss them out.
DOGGETT Monica and Doggett are walking to Doggett's truck. They have been kicked out of the lecture. Monica is attempting to ignore Doggett (who is walking, looking at the ground). Doggett keeps glancing over at Monica with a lowered head.
Watch the suit!
DOGGETT Monica stops walking and turns to face Doggett. She looks pissed.
Um, so I was wondering if you
you’d like to be my new partner...
Gosh darn it John! Is that
what you were trying to talk
to me about in there?!DOGGETT
Gee, Mon'... I had no clue you
honestly wanted to learn-Monica bursts out laughing, further confusing Doggett. He glares at her, which just provokes her to laugh harder.
DOGGETT Monica laughs to herself and wraps her arm around Doggett and pats his stomach.
Monica... I'm being serious.
MONICA Off Monica's babbling to Doggett about how well qualified she is for the x-file division, we:
Sure... I'll be your partner.
Anyway I was getting really tired
of the New Orleans field office and
your x-file division could use someone
who has an open mind. Plus the face I sense things.
Doggett is sitting at his desk, going over a case report on his computer before having to turn it into Kersh later that day. Suddenly Marita somersaults through the wall and all the way to the front of Doggett's desk. Behind her, Mulder, Scully, and Krycek walk through the wall and Skinner enters through the open door.
KRYCEK Skinner sneers at Mulder. Mulder grins. They all head over to Doggett's desk, save for Krycek who has stopped and is starring at his former desk.
(slightly aroused)
Marita... that somersault thing-SCULLY
We don't want to know.MULDER
So Walt... not adventurous today?
A desk lamp has a crystal hanging from it. A flower vase with a single daisy in it, and a huge pile of x-file cases stacked to the side (about to fall over). On the chair, is a lightweight maroon sweater (button-up).
Krycek glances over at everyone (they are reading over Doggett's shoulder), then he glances back at his old desk.
(about to cry)
What the hell happened here?
Did Doggett go gay or something?
There's girly crap all over my desk.Right on cue, Monica Reyes enters the office, carrying a yellow coffee mug with a smiley face on it.
MONICA Mulder looks mesmerized, he stares at her. As Monica approaches Doggett, Krycek is attempting to trip her. Scully give him a look.
John... how did you ever
get involved with this division?
I mean, alien abductions? Alien
invasions? Shape shifting humans...
so not your style...
She must be his new partner.
She's making me look gay!SCULLY
I thought you accused John of that.Krycek sticks out his tongue at her.
(to Reyes)
Well apparently, Mulder and
Krycek had issues as working
partners and the Deputy Director
saw it as an opportunity to take
me out of the "race" to the directorship.Monica sits on the edge of Doggett's desk. Scully's eyes go wide.
She's flirting with him!MARITA
Dana... just because you sit on
men's desks to flirt, doesn't mean
all women do it for the same reason.Skinner applauds, Marita glares at him.
SKINNER Just then we hear someone running down the hallway and then Robert Alfredo's head pokes in the office.
And you Mr. Skinner, benefit
from Dana's flirtations... you're
no better than she is.
ALFREDO Mulder giggles a bit in the background. Skinner turns to him.
John... Mon... Kersh actually sent
me down here to tell you he needs to
speak with you in his office.KRYCEK
Ooh boy! He's Kersh's messenger boy!
SKINNER Skinner rolls his eyes.
What is it now?MULDER
John... Mon... it rhymes!
MONICA Alfredo's head disappears and we hear him walking away.
Thank you Robert, we're on our way.
If you run fast enough, you can
tell him we're on our way!We hear Alfredo run. Monica and Doggett laugh.
MONICA She gives him a little smile.
Green agents...DOGGETT
Actually, he's been her about
as long as I have...MONICA
Like I said... green agents...
He looks demonic... evil... pure evil.. he speaks only to you... the reader.
(rubbing hands together)
Haha... finally a perfect opportunity for
my revenge against the woman who girl-a-fied
my desk and is making my friend Doggett a
weirdo... I will attempt to (eyes have flames
reflecting in them) possess her body and find
a way to get her fired....CUT TO:
Doggett and Monica quietly enter, being as professional as possible. Behind them the Dead Gang follow. Krycek following really close to Monica, an evil grin on his face. Kersh looks up from a piece of paper he is reading and indicates for Doggett and Monica to take a seat. They do.
KERSH Marita pouts, why does the FBI not seem to care about her?
Agents, it's been brought to my
attention there is a case you
are not following up on.DOGGETT
Excuse me?KERSH
I found an envelope in my office
today from an unknown source...
about some kind of conspiracy
revolving around the deaths of
Agents Mulder, Scully, Krycek and Skinner.
KERSH Monica is uneasy in her seat. Doggett is quiet. Krycek looks at Monica.
Something about secret government
experiment for assassination based
on control of extreme weather conditions...
such as tornados.
KERSH Doggett glares at Monica. He hates it when she tries to protect him from something that may disturb him, she shrugs her shoulders, she has no idea what is going on.
It seems that Agent Reyes has
been concealing this information...MONICA
Sir... I didn't-KERSH
-However... her prints were not
found on the envelope. In fact,
no prints were found.
MONICA Suddenly, Krycek jumps into Monica's body. He's possessed her.
Sir, if I may state for the
record, I have no knowledge of-
(after a beat)
If... oh sir... why don't
you drop 'em pants and let
me at you (beat) you freak!!Krycek makes her laugh erotically as he makes her body crawl onto Kersh's desk. The Dead Gang stand there not wanting to believe what Krycek is doing. And before we know it... Monica slaps Kersh across the face.
Agent Reyes!Monica's head falls into Kersh's lap and Krycek makes her undo his pant zipper. Doggett stands up and attempts to pull Monica off the Deputy Director. Monica yelps and Krycek flies out of her body.
DOGGETT Monica quickly gets off the desk, she looks frightened.
Monica, what in the name
of God were you doing?
MONICA In the background, Krycek is jumping up and down happy.
John... I felt something very
evil in me... I may have been possessed.KERSH
Agent Reyes. I think you need to
take some time off. I suggest you go
home and wait for me to contact you
when I feel you can return to your job.
You are suspended for two weeks with no pay.
-but Sir...KRYCEK
(to Monica)
You better believe it baby.Krycek is a little too happy. Kersh gives Monica a look that shuts her up. Monica turns and leaves the room, upset. After she leaves Doggett sits back down. Scully and Marita follow Monica out into the hallway.
MARITA Scully and Marita are each on a different side of Monica.
Poor girl. I can't believe
Alex did that over a daisy.
I thought the desk looked much better.Monica stops walking, sensing something... there's no one else in the hallway.
MONICA Monica shuts her eyes to heighten her other senses.
(low voice)
MARITA Scully shrugs her shoulders.
What is she doing?
SCULLY Monica gasps.
(to Monica)
MONICA Scully is about to answer, but then someone taps Monica on the shoulder. He screams and turns to hit the person who tapped her. However, she doesn't when she sees it is Doggett. He's looking at her, concerned.
My name is Monica. What's yours?
DOGGETT She gives him a look.
Monica, have you been out here all this time?
DOGGETT Monica takes in a deep breath.
It's been 43 minutes since Kersh
kicked you out of his office.MONICA
No... I just..DOGGETT
Are you feeling alright? You
look a little pale....
MONICA Now we see a woman who looks like the Devil walk down the hallway. She's in business clothes for the most part, save for her extremely short skirt. She passes Doggett and winks at him and then gives a sly grin to Scully and Marita. Doggett and Monica walk off.
John you know I sense things...
I have this strange feeling that
spirits are around us now...
good and evil-DOGGETTT
-Monica, don't use your knowledge
of paranormal mumbo jumbo to excuse your
behavior in there.
SCULLY They give each other a look.
Did that woman just see us?MARITA
I don’t know... but I-I
think I saw her at that
party awhile back.
A red pick up truck passes frame. A few beats alter, a blue... bright blue Beetle passes after them.
The song "Smokey Joe's Cafe" by The Robins is playing. Doggett is driving, and Agent Alfredo is in the passenger seat. They are both bobbing their heads to the beat of the music and singing along. The song ends.
ALFREDO Doggett keeps his eyes on the road.
(snaps his fingers)
Oh boy that was fun.
DOGGETT Alfredo smiles at him.
ya know Agent Alfredo-ALFREDO
you can call me Robert.DOGGETT
Ok... You know, Robert...
I've never had this much
fun since my friends...
ya know... bit the big one.
ALFREDO As Alfredo's ramblings drone out... Doggett begins to get an irritated look on his face as they continue to drive through the middle of no where Kansas.
That's what friends are for.
(beat) You do consider me
a friend right?DOGGETT
Of course I do.ALFREDO
Oh good. Because you know I
always thought that you and
the others never really accepted
me. It's such a relief to know that...
Monica is intense... no music... no nothing. Well except for the cigarette that's hanging out of her mouth. Realizing the cigarette is just a butt, she viciously rolls down her hard to roll down window and spits it out, cursing under her breath.
Monica starts fiddling around with her free hand to find her bottle of water in the passenger seat, she comes to realize she has fallen behind... in facet far, far behind Doggett's red truck.
God! If only Doggett would have allowed her to come on this investigation legally... but no... he brought Agent Robert Alfredo... green agent with a green agent... the blind leading the blind... If there is anything weird going on out here, she was the one that would find it...
Suddenly, realizing she's going 97mph and is about to hit the back of Doggett's truck, she slams on the breaks and her car screeches off the road and into a ditch.
MONICA On the highway, Doggett has turned his truck around to see if the person who almost him is ok.
(to herself)
Aww... shit!
In the ditch, Monica kicks her door open and hits the roof of her car. But something off screen catches her eye.
The ditch drain. Inside the cement tunnel there's a faint light. Curious, Monica walks toward it. As Doggett's truck comes to a stop, Monica is on her hands and knees (dirtying her new jeans) about to crawl inside.
ALFREDO (O.S.) Monica turns her head to look at them. She remains on her hands and knees.
Ma'am... are you-DOGGETT (O.S.)
Ma'am it's not safe to go in there!
MONICA and with that Monica crawls inside the cement tunnel. Alfredo looks at Doggett, Doggett looks at Alfredo. Alfredo lets out a boyish laugh and hops a bit in his first step toward the ditch... he gets on his hands and knees and motions for Doggett to join before entering.
John... I saw a light inside...
and knowing there may be something
going on under our noses... I thought
the proper thing to do was check it out.
Now are you going to help or stand there?DOGGETT
Monica... you could get
terminated from the Bureau-MONICA
-Kersh doesn't have to know...
Aw come on you guys...He runs his hand through his hair and looks up at the sky as if he thinks this is some funny joke from above...
God is in bed with two chick in each arm. They are watching the TV set that has this whole thing with Doggett, Reyes, and Alfredo going on. All three are laughing.
GOD God smiles at them and gives them both a kiss. God suddenly stops laughing.
Isn't this just funny
Foxy and Teso?FOXY
Great joke sweetie.TESO
Yeah darlin'
Wait... this isn't mine...FOXY & TESO
This... this is... ARG!He quickly picks up the phone in anger. We see his is dialing the number of: 666-1013
There is loud, loud rave music blaring. We are angled on a red phone that is ringing. A woman's hand comes into view and picks it up.
Do you mind? I'm trying to
condemn some souls here.
Call back later.GOD
Would you stop that. You
should know by now those
souls will never be yours.
(beat) What are you doing?DEVIL
I think I've told you.GOD
Not that! What is going on in Kansas!DEVIL
Oh... that... that's none
of your God damn business.
With a flashlight in her mouth, her eyes go wide. She spits it out and attempts to turn around.
MONICA Alfredo squeezes in next to Monica and looks at what she's talking about. Then on the other side of her, Doggett appears.
You guys will not believe this...ALFREDO
What? What did you find?
This was much easier
when we were five...
A trap door made out of a shiny metal.
ALFREDO Doggett and Alfredo give her a look.
What do you think it is?DOGGETT
Some kind of entrance...MONICA
...to another world...
DOGGETT Suddenly, the little metal trap door opens and a brilliant red light shines on their faces. Their eyes go wide. A bright light floods the screen.
No... not to another world...ALFREDO
Then into what...?
Alfredo, Doggett, and Monica are asleep, sitting up on the couch. Dressed in plaid pants and pastel sweaters. (hands in lap, grins on faces)
Doggett's puppy beagle enters the room and barks at the corner of the room... hmmm... the dog must see something...
Suddenly Mulder appears in the corner the dog barked at. He walks over and sits next to Monica and gawks at her.
KRYCEK (O.S.) Mulder doesn't hear this, Scully sits next to Alfredo.
Mulder... you're dead and
she's alive, it won't work.
SCULLY Skinner sits next to her.
Where'd they get these old golfer
clothes from? It'd never be caught
dead in these... how embarrassing.
SKINNER Scully looks down at her clothes... her army tank top and sweat pants. She gently punches him in the shoulder. Marita walks up next to Krycek... she looks really sad. She pathetically looks up at Krycek.
Well you have been caught
dead in your pajamas...
KRYCEK Krycek wraps his arm around her, she rests her head on his shoulder.
Marita, what's wrong now?
No walls to walk through?MARITA
(almost crying)
I would give anything to live
again... I miss sleeping, we
don't get to sleep on this side...
I wish I had my camera...Off an angle of Monica, Doggett, and Alfredo and their ridiculous outfits we: