Title: 32801 (Part 2/2)
Authors: Kristi
Summary: It's up to Doggett, Reyes, The Gunmen, and Satori to save the gang from being lost on the other side...
Spoilers: If you haven't read Contact Lost Souls... then yes... but none from the show The X-Files or The Others
Author's Note: I wrote this on March 8, 2001! This is the continuation of Contact Lost Souls! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Mulder, Krycek, Skinner, Marita, Scully, The Lone Gunmen, Doggett, Reyes, or Agent Pendrell. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013 productions and 20th Century FOX. Satori (aka: Ellen Polaski) and Warren Day belongs to John Brancato and Michael Ferris, Delusional Pictures, and NCB broadcasting. I own nothing... as usual.
RECAP OF CONTACT LOST SOULS (PART 1/2): One night while Frohike was at the Online Ouija Board site he contacted FWM (Fox William Mulder). The Gunmen find Satori and she tells them that Mulder wants to know why he can't get into this apartment. They go and investigate and discover that Satan, The Devil, is 'living' in their apartment. Lastly, Satori tells them that the gang is in danger on The Other side and if they don't help them, they will become lost souls on The Other side.
A storm is approaching. A very eerie feeling has taken hold of the room... a gust of cold air flows past us... a violent wind that seems to rattle the whole apartment.
Lightening flashes.
The door to the apartment creek open... warm light begins to fill the room... as the door opens more, it reveals flames thrashing about! In the distance... beyond the door is Mulder... not able to move... Behind him are Skinner, Scully, Krycek , and Marita. They are far apart from each other.
Someone passes us and starts to run towards the door... it is Satori... right as she is about to enter, a beautiful woman with brown hair and wearing a red dress steps in front of her. The power of this woman (The Devil) knocks Satori down.
Satori wakes up with a gasp. The digital clock behind her reads: 3:28 am. Satori takes notice. A storm is arriving. She gets out of her bed and turns on a TV... the weather is on.
-flash flood warning. Once again,
baseball size hale, threatening winds
up to 80 miles per hour, severe lightening.
If you are on the roads, get off, make sure
you're pets are inside. It's gonna be
a chilling night tonight.NEWS WOMAN (ON TV)
Thank you Joe for that report.
(beat) Earlier this week we-Satori turns off the TV. Something seems to be wrong... it just doesn't feel right. Satori looks over to her clock once again... it now reads 6:37 am.
The storm is still going, and it seems it'll be here for a while. It hasn't lightened up yet.
Doggett walks into his office sipping some coffee. He sets it down on Reyes' desk. He walks over to a file cabinet. As he passes Reyes' desk, a picture on the desk falls down. Doggett doesn't notice. Doggett's coffee cup begins to leak... the coffee seems to be moving towards the frame. A slight cool breeze brushes Doggett on the back. He turns around. Aware of the cool breeze. He walks past the desk and picks up his coffee cup. Not taking notice of the frame. He sits at his desk. Right when he sits, the frame on the other desk crashes to the floor.
DOGGETT He gets up and walks over to the frame and picks it up. It's a picture of Monica and some other agent at some FBI conference or something like that.
What the...
REYES Doggett looks up from the picture.
Agent Doggett?
DOGGETT He gets up and steps on glass. He looks down.
It fell... I was just picking it up.
I'll buy you a new frame.
(beat) I'm sorry.REYES
It's no problem. (beat)
I've been meaning to
get a new one anyway.She gives him a smile. Doggett starts to pick up the glass. There is a quiet knock on the door.
Agent Doggett?Doggett and Reyes both look toward the door.
DOGGETT Doggett is a little shocked... who would send a beautiful lady to him...?
Can I help you?SATORI
I hope so. (beat) I was
sent here by one of your friends.
(signals her to come in)
Come in.SATORI
Could I talk to you out here?Doggett shakes his head 'yes'... Satori walks off.
Hmmm... she's got
the hots for ya...Doggett gives her a look... she gets back to working...
DOGGETT Doggett is taken aback.
So who sent you here?SATORI
(straight forward)
Agent Fox Mulder.
(not believing)
Is this some kind of funny joke?SATORI
My name is Satori, I'm
a sensitive.DOGGETT
A sensitive?SATORI
Yes... I can...well...DOGGETT
See dead people?Satori senses his disbelieve and mockery.
SATORI Satori sees that he's annoyed with her and what she believes.
Agent Doggett, I was sent here
by Fox, because he and his friends
are in danger on The Other side. I
need some information about them.DOGGETT
The Other side...
I can't help you...I have
important work to be doing.He walks off towards his office.
SATORI Doggett stops and turns around.
You've felt if too, haven't you?
In your office... today.DOGGETT
I don't know what you
are talking about.SATORI
The picture frame on the
desk. How did it fall?DOGGETT
You tell me, you're the psychic.
(beat) Get out of here before I
call security and have them do it.Doggett heads back to his office. After a beat, Satori leaves.
As Doggett is opening the door, we catch a glimpse of Reyes running back to her desk. She sits reading a file. Doggett looks at her suspiciously.
What did she have to say?DOGGETT
Nothing. Nothing at all.Reyes looks up from her file and sets it on her desk. She stands up and approaches his desk.
I think you should believe her.DOGGETT
I don't believe in that
spiritual channeling mumbojumbo.REYES
Why not? There's plenty of evidence.DOGGETT
Like what? (mocking) "The Exorcist"?Reyes looks offended.
REYES Reyes takes the picture out of the frame and sits at her desk again. Who could it be...
No. Take this office for example.
The picture frame that fell... it
has some meaning to someone. (beat)
Did Agent Krycek ever keep something
here, where my frame is? Anything
important to him? Anything at all?DOGGETT
('reading' a file)
Then it would have to be
someone in the picture...
REYES Doggett has had enough.
John, we have to find out.
What if there is something
in this picture that can help
them on the Other side...
Agent Reyes. We have work to
do. We have real people here to help.REYES
You're friends are real people
too... just at a different level.
(to herself) Though I'm beginning to
think they are stuck in Focus 23...Reyes looks back to the picture... something 'unseen' catches her eye.
Agent Doggett... I'm gonna get
some coffee... I’ll be back...DOGGETT
(not looking up from file)
Fine.Reyes leaves. Doggett looks over to her desk and sees her coffee mug with steam coming off of it... still hot coffee in it... and the picture she was looking at is gone...
Reyes and Agent Pendrell are looking at a computer monitor. The picture has been loaded into it.
REYES Pendrell types something into the computer and the main images of Reyes and the other agent almost disappear. The 'other' picture comes into focus a little more.
Do you see this area right here...
what is that... can you bring it up?PENDRELL
Sure can...
REYES He types and the main images is hardly recognizable. The 'other' picture is now in view more clearly.
Can you bring it up more?PENDRELL
What the heck is this?REYES
I don't know. Can you
print it out for me?PENDRELL
Doggett is hard at work still. Reyes walks in. She tosses a folder on Doggett's desk. Doggett looks up from his work.
DOGGETT Doggett gives her a look.
What's this?REYES
Open it.
DOGGETT He opens the file. Inside, are several different photos... a slight redish tint to all of them.
I'm not into games.
DOGGETT She tosses the original down on his desk.
What the Hell is this?REYES
It's what's in this picture.
DOGGETT She tosses a picture on his desk.
Agent Reyes...REYES
Look at this one.. .it's Mulder.
(tossing photos)
Krycek, Marita, Skinner, Scully.
(beat) They are in danger and
someone is trying to tell us that.
Probably one of the Helpers on
the other side.DOGGETT
This is BS Monica! We have work to do.REYES
Why don't you want to believe?
Are you afraid of what you might
find? Are you afraid of the truth?
Or are you afraid of what you might
discover about yourself? Why can't you just-DOGGETT
Enough!Reyes stays silent. There is heavy tension in the room... Reyes tries to stare him down and win this argument, but Doggett doesn't give in. Frustrated, Reyes leaves.
Hey! Where are you goin'?REYES (O.S.)
For a walk!Doggett lets out a sigh... why do they always have to get into these fights...
Monica is walking around aimlessly. She passes a few stores... she's in an older part of town. She suddenly stops in front of a building... on the ground level she sees a 'shop'... "Satori's Psychic Readings" is in neon glow in the window. Next to that sign is a neon sign of an eye. Monica walks in.
It's quiet in the room... except for a man (early 30s). The man is wearing a long trench coat-like jacket. He is looking at the ground and slightly hitting his head with his hand. The man's name is Warren Day.
WARREN Monica looks at him with concern... it even appears she understands what he is going through...
WARREN Warren looks up at her.
(kneeling down)
It'll be ok... I understand.
WARREN Monica shakes her head 'yes'. Warren smiles at her. Satori comes out from the back with her arm around an old lady. They are talking too soft to hear. Monica stands up. The old woman leaves.
(a little crazy)
You do?
Satori?Satori turns to face her.
Hi... um... I'm Special Agent
Monica Reyes... you stopped by
my office today and talked with
my partner, Agent Doggett.SATORI
Yes, I remember you.REYES
Umm... I have to show you something.She pulls out the file with all the photos in it.
REYES Satori opens the folder and looks at one of the photos... the one of Mulder in particular.
These are photos... that umm...
(re: photo)
This is Fox Mulder.REYES
(looking up to Reyes)
Where did you get these?REYES
They were... hidden... in
the original photo.Monica pulls out the original on of her and the other agent and gives it to Satori.
SATORI Warren stands up and shows interest in the photos as well.
This was in my dream...
WARREN Warren sits back down. Monica kneels beside him.
That's it.SATORI
What is Warren?WARREN
3, 28, 01.
REYES Monica stands back up.
March 28, 2001?WARREN
Yeah... that's it...
SATORI Warren stands back up.
Is that when they died?REYES
Yeah. (beat) What does
all this mean?SATORI
Warren finds signs. This is
probably a sign that... I
don't know... All I know
is that in my dream I saw
all of these people...
exactly like this in the photos
and then this woman in a red dress
knocked me over... it was in
Mulder's apartment.REYES
I don't know where he lives.SATORI
I was there the other day.
We have to go there now!And with that, Warren runs outside.
WARREN!Reyes and Satori follow after him.
Warren comes flying through the door. The apartment is very cold. Warren looks around...
WARREN With that, the door behind him flies shut!! Warren quickly spins around and realizes that he is not alone... that force is there...
3... 28... 1...
Reyes and Satori have just arrived. They see that the door is shut tight. Warren is no where to be seen. They here him inside reciting the numbers again and again.
SUDDENLY! There is a light that comes creeping underneath the door... an orange-ish tint to it. Satori and Reyes' eyes go wide.
SATORI Reyes tries to open the door, but she jumps back when she touches the door knob... it's burning hot!
(starts banging on the door)
NO-OOOOOO!!!!!!!!Satori and Reyes try hard to knock down the door, however, they aren't strong enough. Suddenly, the apartment falls silent. The door comes unlocked.
Satori and Reyes exchange looks as the door opens for them. They slowly enter the room.
Warren is standing in the middle of the room. He slowly turns to them.
It's gone now...He slowly walks past them... leaving them to wonder what the heck happened... Off their looks...
Doggett is already at work... Reyes is late. She walks in. Doggett looks at her.
DOGGETT Reyes sits down at her desk and looks at her new frame. It suddenly falls down. Her eyes go wide.
Why are you late? (beat)
Spiritual mumbojumbo?REYES
If you are referring to
weather or not I did
anything about your
friends, it was all
a hoax. They were
never in trouble.DOGGETT
(laughs a bit)
I told you, Mon. (beat)
Think before believing.REYES
You've always been right. (beat)
So what's on the agenda for today?
Well, there's this boy in New Jersey...As Reyes ignores him and continues to look at the frame as she turns it over to find a picture of Mulder smiling with a goofy expression...