Title: Those Were The Days
Written by: Cassie
Summary: Scully and Marita are returned to their apartment and find their freshman high school yearbook lying out on a coffee table, they remember some silly times while Monica Reyes is at work.
Spoilers: None...
Disclaimer: John Doggett, Alex Krycek, Marita Covarrubias, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, and Jeffrey Spender are not ours by creation, they were created by Chris Carter and are owned by 20th Century Fox and 1013 Productions, we use them without permission. The characters of God and The Devil were not created by us either and we're not exactly sure how to state a disclaimer for them. The way God and The Devil are portrayed through our series is not to be taken seriously and is not intended to offend anyone, it's all in good humor.
INT. SCULLY/MARITA'S APARTMENT - 6:30AMLet us all remember how Doggett gave Monica the key he had for Scully and Marita's apartment.
Though Scully and Marita are not of her world any longer, Monica Reyes has pretty much kept everything in order in their apartment. We see the same good furniture in the same old places. Near the front door, however are boxes marked "for goodwill" stacked. As we PAN AROUND the living room, we stop on a boxing bag hanging from the ceiling and loud techno music starts to blare from the stereo.
SUDDENLY a foot flies into frame, sharply kicking the boxing bag. We PAN BACK to reveal Monica. She is in athletic wear, and looking very serious about what she is doing. She gives the bag a nasty right hook.
On the couch in the living room, in front of Monica, Scully and Marita appear, they haven't noticed the music or Monica yet.
MARITA Marita places her hand on Scully's shoulder, she seems touched.
Dana... we're home.
SCULLY Marita looks over her shoulder at Monica, she's still boxing away.
It's been so long... Marita...
I miss our little dump (beat/hears music)
Hold on! What is that noise?!
MARITA And with that, Monica gives the boxing bag a final kick, and that's enough to loosen it and the bag falls to the ground with an earthshattering BANG!
It's music... I think.
Hey look, the nice girl is here.SCULLY
Nice? She looks kind of
mean right now-
Monica covers her mouth and we hear her mutter "oops".
Downstairs someone is banging a broom on their ceiling and yelling something that sounds like it is out of Charlie Brown. Monica turns off the music and gets down on her hands and knees.
MONICA She stands back up, Scully looks at Marita.
I'm sorry! It's a stress reliever!
SCULLY There is an angry knock at the door, Monica (the optimist) happily jogs over to answer. As she opens the door... we see a fairly old woman (late 50s/early 60s). This is Mrs. Elanor White, a short woman with silver white hair and old granny glasses who wears shades of blue with her off-white scarf. She is nice as can be unless you tamper with her temper, as Monica has.
I need one of those... (beat)
Hey! Wait a minute! Walter
boxes... I hope that doesn't mean
he's stressed because of me...MARITA
That is possible.
MRS. WHITE Scully and Marita share a look in the background, that's not true.
Young lady, I don't know who you
think you are, but you're likely
to give me a heart attack with all
that racket noise-making you've been
doing lately! Why those two girls who
lived here before you, they are probably
rolling in their graves because of the
way you are treating an old woman like me.
Especially that darling red-head, Dana.
Why before her nice friend moved in with
her, I used to cook almost all her evening
meals. If there were such things as ghouls
or ghosts, I'd bet my life she would come
here to give you a scare!
MONICA Mrs. White lightens up and shakes her hand.
I'm sorry, I don't believe
we've met. (extends hand)
I'm Monica Reyes, and you are?
MRS. WHITE Monica hesitates and Mrs. White lets herself in.
Elenor White. (beat/looks inside apt)
Do you mind if I come in and see what
you've done to the place?
MONICA Mrs. White looks suspicious.
I wasn't expecting anyone, I
haven't had time to-MRS. WHITE
-By what means were you
allowed to keep their belongings?MONICA
Oh, a friend of mine who is...
(corrects herself) was a friend
of their's had an extra key and
since I had no place to stay, he
gave it to me, maybe you've met him...
John Doggett?
SCULLY Mrs. White looks around to see if there's anything else suspicious.
(to self)
He gave away the key I gave him...?MARITA
(surprised/to Scully)
You gave him a key?!
MONICA Mrs. White heads back to the door, holding her hand over her heart.
Don't worry Mrs. White
I've informed the landlord,
he knows what's up.MRS. WHITE
John Doggett... the serious-looking one?MONICA
Well I guess you could say that.MRS. WHITE
He's a nice boy.
MRS. WHITE Monica watches as the old woman slowly heads toward the stairwell. Once she's out of sight, Monica shuts the door and heads into what was Scully's room. She chose Scully's bedroom because Marita's had too many stuffed animals on the bed, no room to sleep and Monica liked the toys and kept them.
Thank you deary for having me over,
but I must take my medication, my
heart doesn't take well to this much
(stands in doorway)
It was nice meeting you Elenor.MRS. WHITE
(walking away)
Yes... it was a pleasure...
Scully and Marita are still on the couch.
SCULLY Scully and Marita both smile, remembering such fond memories of their downstairs neighbor.
(to Marita)
I really do miss Mrs. White's
homemade sugar cookies...
Monica left for work a few hours ago. Scully and Marita are enjoying the time they have back at their apartment. Scully, at the moment, is playing with the boxing bag, her arms and legs punching and kicking right through it. Marita is wandering around, glancing at random things, remembering her life.
MARITA Scully stops boxing.
You know, Dana, we were
really good people when
we were alive.
SCULLY Marita points all around them, at everything of their's that remains.
You're kidding me, right?
MARITA Marita doesn't reply to that, her father is a good man.
Look at this place, we
kept it clean, we have
good furniture-SCULLY
-Yeah, so... I'm sure shadowy
men in our government keep their
homes clean and have nice furniture
... your father, for example.
SCULLY There is a long beat, Scully thinks that Marita is mad at her. They both take a seat on the couch. We see their freshman high school yearbook (for the sake of our series that would be 1984-1985), lying open on the coffee table. It is opened to a cheerleading group picture.
I know what you mean Marita...
we didn't waste our lives, wasting
time and money on stupid material
things, unlike Mulder and Krycek.MARITA
Don't mention that name to me.
Marita is standing in the back row and Scully is in the front, showing off her legs and giving a seductive smile. Marita isn't smiling, she doesn't look very happy.
SCULLY They laugh. CAMERA ANGLES in on the yearbook photo as it suddenly comes alive with noise and motion.
Oh my god! We look so stupid!MARITA
I know. Our hair is so poofy.
The cheerleaders are trying to find their most attractive pose and a few are flipping their hair around and puckering up their lips (including Scully). The Camera Man motions for them that he's ready.
CAMERA MAN He takes the picture that will be forever frozen in the yearbook, to embarass people later in their life.
Now, smile... nice...
The cheerleaders break formation. Most of them crowd around Scully and discuss their latest encounters of a clothing store at the mall. Marita on the other hand is left all alone. She seems hurt in a way.
A younger looking Skinner enters the gym, he's wearing a name tag, indicating that he is a teacher at the school. We also notice that he has a little bit more hair on his head. He nods at Marita as he passes her and heads toward Scully.
Scully notices him and walks over to him with a sly smile.
SKINNER She smiles at him, he seems a little too happy. She walks off toward the girls locker room, throwing Skinner a sexy glance before entering. He casually goes in a few few beats after the door shuts behind her.
Dana, there's a problem
with your report on French
poetry in the eighteenth century-SCULLY
(caresses his arm)
How can I fix the problem?
(beat/she looks at his pant zipper)
I'll just have to persuade you, won't I?
Meanwhile... Marita is tying her white shoe lace when all of a sudden she gets water dumped on her head. She screams from the shock of the water's coldness.
CHEERLEADER #1 She gives out a ditzy high-pitched laugh. The other cheerleaders laugh with her, in exactly the same way. Marita looks like she's about to cry.
Hey metal-mouth... didn't see
you sitting there. I hope I
didn't rust your mouth from
the water.
MARITA We see that she has braces on her teeth, which is why she doesn't smile a lot. Marita turns away from them and runs into the girls locker room.
(choking up)
One day I'll get you.
Behind the laughing cheerleaders, a dark figure is lurking... it could only be Alex Krycek. His hair is in his face, he's dressed in all black. He glares at the cheerleaders.
Marita bursts through the door, she is crying her eyes out. She stops when she hears low moaning noises coming from behind some lockers.
MARITA She rounds the corner to see Scully and Skinner doing the wild thing... Marita gasps and turns around fast. Scully and Skinner don't even notice her.
They are sitting on the couch, thinking about that day.
MARITA They continue to flip through the book. They stop at a photo of a football game.
I never really cared much
for high school...
SCULLY As we ZOOM IN on the picture it comes alive.
Oh my god... I remember this game.
The hot guy from the other school
winked at me.
The crowd is going wild. The cheerleaders are doing their little cheer with Scully leading them.
The opposing team runs by them... there is a face we recognize... a young face of John Doggett. He's dirty and sweaty, but the girls love it anyway. He passes by Scully and winks.
Scully and Marita are looking at each other with bugged eyes. They have realized Doggett was the hot guy from the other team.
SCULLY They turn their attention back to the yearbook to continue the story.
Oh my God! John was the
hot football player that
winked at me!MARITA
Oh my God!
The crowd is going wild. The cheerleaders are doing their little cheer with Scully leading them.
The opposing team runs by them... there is a face we recognize... a young face of John Doggett. He's dirty and sweaty, but the girls love it anyway. He passes by Scully and winks.
The players continue running and someone kicks the ball and it goes nowhere.
Mulder is on the field, he's the number one jock of them all. He's ready to hike the ball... someone's hands get a little too close to Mulder's behind. He doesn't seem mad about that, just a little... happy.
The ball is in play and Doggett catches it. He starts to run for a touchdown, but gets tangled in his feet and falls down into the cheerleader group and knocks Marita down. The other cheerleaders laugh at her. Doggett helps her up.
DOGGETT Marita shakes her head "yes". Doggett runs off. Scully eyes him seductively.
Sorry. Are you ok?
CHEERLEADER #2 Scully turns to them with her hands on her hips, she's very serious.
Couldn't you just eat him up?CHEERLEADER #1
Oh yeah...SCULLY
He's mine.CHEERLEADER #1
Can't you share just this one time?
SCULLY Doggett runs by them, gives another wink to Scully. With that, she "passes out"... or so we are supposed to believe. The group of cheerleaders catch her and start fanning her... to give her "more air". Doggett comes up after the play is over.
I mean it. Touch him
and you're dead.
DOGGETT Scully flutters her eyes open upon hearing his voice.
Is she alright?
SCULLY Doggett gives her an odd look, but smiles anyway.
You take my breath away...
From across the field, we hear the loud, commanding voice of a young tom-boy Monica Reyes. Upon hearing her, Doggett runs back to his team.
MONICA Monica is dressed in football wear, not in a girly-girl cheerleader type outfit. She's got dirt on her face and is loving what she is doing.
You bunch of sissies! My
grandmother plays tougher
than this! (beat) And you
Mister Doggett! Stop getting
your ya-yas from the other
team's cheerleaders!
The game is in it's fourth quarter. Doggett's team is losing badly!
The ball is currently in play, Doggett has the ball and is heading for a touchdown. As he passes Scully, she seductively hikes up her skirt and pukers up her lips. Doggett notices this and gets distracted.
He suddenly trips and gets tackled. He screams in pain. The other team slowly gets off him. Doggett is holding his shoulder in pain. The coach comes over, along with Monica and a team doctor.
Doggett is being carried off the field in a stretcher.
The ditzy cheerleaders seem happy, except for Marita who is now changed into normal jeans and a t-shirt that has a tied knot at the waist. She frowns upon the ditzes. Scully seems worried as she watches him pass them.
CHEERLEADER #2 Scully hesitantly smiles in "triumph", she feels bad that this happened. In the background we see Marita walking off in disgust at her team memebers, and we see the dark shadowy Krycek follow her.
Good move Dana!
Scully looks hurt.
SCULLY Scully flips to the Prom section of the yearbook, we see a picture of Marita, Krycek, Scully and Prom Chaperone, Mr. Skinner. They are all smiling with arms around each other.
It's all my fault that
John doesn't play football
(makes her feel better)
He did that time he chose the
Supper Buddy event (beat) so
maybe you are the reason he
played again.SCULLY
True. He did pick me to be
on his team first...
SCULLY We ZOOM on into the picture and it comes to life a CAMERA FLASH ends this posed picture. "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Taylor is the song playing.
God, I can't believe I've
been with Walter this long...
(to Marita) same with you and
I've never been with Alex.
DJ Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" starts, Krycek and Marita take to the dance floor. Scully and Skinner look at each other, wishing they could dance together, but can't since they don't want their relationship exposed.
This next one is for all
you lovers out there...
The song continues, Krycek and Marita look as if they are definately romantically involved.
KRYCEK Marita rests her head on his chest and closes her eyes. Krycek looks down, wondering why she's sleeping... he can't be that boring. He lifts her chin up and kisses her. We see Scully in the background, sitting down, alone, her head rests in her hands, she is sad.
(whispers in her ear)
You are my girl forever, Marita.
On the other side of the room, Mulder spots Scully all alone. He stops helping his jock buddies spike the fruit punch. He walks over to her.
MULDER He holds his hand out to her, she looks up at him with sad eyes, and takes his hand. He leads her to the dance floor and takes her into his arms.
Come on Dana. I'll dance with you.
MULDER Scully giggles, how typical of Mulder. As a result of her laugh, Mulder laughs too. Scully's eyes wander to Krycek and Marita, they are still lip-locked. Out of desperation for male attention, Scully grabs the back of Mulder's head and kisses him. Mulder, however, resists and pulls away from her.
If you need to loosen up
and have fun, we spiked the punch.
MULDER The whole room goes quiet and half the football team laughs at her "not a slut" comment, they know her better than that. A few of her cheerleader "friends" snicker at her too, but stop when Scully glares at them.
Geez Dana! Stop being such a slut!SCULLY
I am not a slut!
MULDER Scully holds back tears, what a shitty night. Skinner steps in, Mr. Chaperone.
See. I'm not the only one that
thinks that. The only good part
of it is because you flirt with
other school's players, we win.
You are nothing but an easy slut.
SKINNER Mulder mouths off "slut" to Scully as he backs away to go back to his buddies.
Ok everyone, stop the name calling.
The music starts up with a more upbeat tone, The Romantics' "Talking In Your Sleep". Scully runs from the school's gymnasium in tears.
Marita is holding in laughter as Scully sits next to her with a blank expression on her face.
MARITA Marita ponders this for a second then smiles at Scully and puts her arm around her shoulder.
You have to admit, you were
a little over the top in the
way you were with guys back then.SCULLY
I've been with Walter ever since.
Yeah I had a "Lust Buddy" when we
were on and off, and I only slept
with several other guys-MARITA
Lust Buddy?!SCULLY
You don't want to know.
MARITA Scully hugs Marita.
Well I love ya anyway.
SCULLY The front door to the apartment opens and Monica and Doggett enter, finally off work, they are laughing.
You're forgetting one thing...
you and Krycek were a "thing"
back then, therefore negating
your "never have been".MARITA
Well, I grew up and he didn't.
(beat/thinks) Don't you ever
think you missed out. I mean
you and Walter... almost 17 years
together... so many breakups-SCULLY
-He was more like a friend our
last year alive... something
changed, but he did ask me to
marry him again, I said "yes".MARITA
You didn't seem really serious about it.SCULLY
Maybe we both realized we weren't
meant to be... maybe that's why
we died, so we wouldn't go through
with the marriage (beat) Oh wait,
that's not why.MARITA
(pats Scully on knee)
Sure thing, honey. Remember,
Krycek drove into a tornado.
MONICA Monica sits on the floor next to the coffee table. As if he subconsciously knows Scully and Marita are on the couch, Doggett sits between them. Monica picks up the yearbook.
Anyway, I found an old yearbook
of Dana's, I think you may be
interested in seeing it.DOGGETT
Really? Did you find nerd
pictures of everyone?
MONICA She opens it up and flips through looking for the cheerleader picture. She finds it and hands the book to Doggett.
Hmmm... that's odd... the
book was open when I left.
MONICA He points right at the cheerleader Scully and looks over to Monica, she's got a goofy smile on her face.
Recognize anyone?DOGGETT
(intensly looks at pic)
Is that Agent Scully?
MONICA Doggett takes a closer look and then realizes something.
DOGGETT Doggett sets down the book.
(happily surprised)
She was the hot cheerleader!
The one that was flirting with
me when I hurt my shoulder!MONICA
Funny, isn't it, that you met
again in life and somehow you
ended up with a copy of her
apartment key...?
MONICA There's an awkward beat, Monica coughs. Marita and Scully are sitting there silently, watching them, they start whispering something about how Doggett may have liked Scully. For some reason, Marita really seems to want to convince Scully of this. Monica gets up and walks into the kitchen.
Fate brought you two back together-DOGGETT
-Mon', will you cut it out-MONICA
-I find it sweet.DOGGETT
Yeah, well you know how
things worked out.
MONICA Next to him, Scully looks horrified.
You can keep the book if
you want. I was gonna throw
it away, but thought you
might want it.DOGGETT
(picks up book/holds it)
SCULLY Monica comes back to the living room with some caramel popcorn, she pops in a video casette and sits down next to Doggett.
(to Marita)
Oh no! He's gonna read what
everyone wrote! He's gonna
see I was voted most slutty!
MONICA The movie starts and we see that it is Titanic, one of Doggett's favorite movies.
(mouth full of popcorn)
It's been years since I
watched this movie.
DOGGETT Monica gives him an odd look.
Oh my God! Monica!
This is my favorite movie!
MONICA Doggett nods his head and kicks off his shoes and places his feet up on the coffee table. Scully watches, her eyes wide she yells "feet off the table!" but of course he doesn't hear her. She gives up and watches the movie as well, we don't see Marita anywhere at the moment.
(dead pan)
A sad, tragic, depressing
love story is your favorite movie?
MONICA Monica looks sad.
Johnny! What about Austin Powers?!DOGGETT
That movie doesn't even come close.
MONICA They both shut up and watch Titanic, with Scully invisible next to them. In the background we see Marita wandering around, remembering more fun times in their life, a smile on her face.
Austin Powers is our favorite
movie. You're a traitor.DOGGETT
Titanic is based on a real event-MONICA
-Blah blah blah, don't ruin
the film by constantly trying
to convince me it's better than