Title: The Project
Authors: Cassie
Summary: A man from Scully's past contacts Agents Reyes and Doggett about a child abduction case that is personal to him.
Spoilers: None, but you may want to reread 2x18 Flight 194 and 3x01 Nosce Te Ipsum before reading this.
Disclaimer: I do not own John Doggett, Monica Reyes, Dana Scully, Alex Krycek, Fox Mulder, Marita Covarrubias, Walter Skinner. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and 20th Century FOX. I do however own John Montgomery, Jill Lynn Montgomery, and Young Bad-Ass Man.
Teaser FADE IN:
We see Doggett walking through the forest in black sweatpants and a gray t-shirt. Around him, there is absolutely no sound. As he continues, we see that it looks like he is searching for someone. He continues walking deeper and deeper into the forest. We begin to hear only muffled sounds around him.
Doggett stops walking for a moment and looks around him, he tilts his head back, gazing up at the night sky. A storm is approaching. A snap of a twig behind him catches his attention and he turns around. There's nothing there. He strains his ears, listening for anything. A beat later we see a deer standing a few feet ahead of him, it starts to walk off. Doggett follows it. The deer leads Doggett through the forest and into a clearing, we can now hear muffled sounds of men talking in hushed tones, but we can't see anyone.
Suddenly a gun shot is heard. From the sound of it, it could have been fired right there in the clearing. Doggett slowly looks down the length of his body, to make suer he is not hurt. Upon realizing he is fine, he looks back up and sees a man (who was shot) lying on the ground, then out of nowhere a red-head woman enters the clearing and goes to the man's side.
Doggett can't help but stare at this woman, she looks exactly like Scully. Almost as if she can hear him think this, she looks up, directly at him. Doggett takes a step closer to them.
DOGGETT Yes, it is Scully. She leans down and says something to the man. Then she stands up and walks toward Doggett. Scully is trying to say something to Doggett, her mouth moves, but we hear nothing.
DOGGETT Then when they are just a foot apart from eachother, a bolt of lightening strikes the ground between them.
I don't know what you're sayin'.
Doggett abruptly sits up in bed, awaken by this strange dream. He glances at the digital clock on his nightstand: 1:29 AM. He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a sigh. He lies back down to go to sleep, but his mind can't help but wonder what his dream meant.