Title: Come And Gone
Authors: Kristi
Summary: Monica takes The Journey to the Other Side, leaving Doggett to wonder what happened.
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own John Doggett, Monica Reyes, Fox Mulder, Alex Krycek, Walter Skinner, Dana Scully, or Marita Covarrubias. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting.
not gloomy clouds, but white fluffy clouds. Past them, we see a bright heavenly light.
Alfredo looks on in horror as Monica lies on the ground dead. Her head gushing blood. Alfredo suddenly becomes very alert as he hears horses coming his way. Men shouting in Russian. He gets up faster than a rabbit and runs as fast as he can.
The horses come into view right behind Alfredo. He falls over a little dip in the ground just as another group of men on horseback cut him off and surrounds him.
Alfredo doesn't know what to do. He can't get through the horses. He stops and puts his hands up in defeat. A big man gets off his horse and beats Alfredo to the ground. He ties Alfredo's hand behind his back. Another man comes up and kicks Alfredo in the face, which knocks him out.
Doggett sleeps peacefully. Unaware of the horrors that have just happened.
A body enters frame, but we can not tell who it is. Doggett jumps awake. For a split second he sees Monica standing by him. Her hand held out to him.
(confused/still sleepy)
Monica?But then she disappears. He shakes his head trying to clear what just happened. He checks his watch, 4:17 in the morning.
He gets up out of his bed. Turns on the light and looks around. Buddy slowly makes his way into the room to see what is going on. Buddy yawns, and jumps onto Doggett's bed.
Doggett sits back down in his bed. He's trouble by what just happened. He picks up his phone and dials Monica's cell phone.
RECORDED VOICE Doggett hangs up.
(in phone)
We're sorry, the number you are
trying to reach is out of the calling-
The Syndicate fills the room, and this time there is no smoke in the air. The Cigarette-Smoking Man is addressing the members, he has a little circular patch on his neck.
CIGARETTE-SMOKING MAN The Well-Manicured Man doesn't look happy.
I have some bad news. (beat)
Agent Reyes has been
killed in Russia.FIRST ELDER
What was she doing in Russia?CIGARETTE-SMOKING MAN
She was investigating the
deaths of the other agents.
(beat) She found the truth.
CIGARETTE-SMOKING MAN The room falls quiet.
But the Project is still secure.WELL-MANICURED MAN
The Project is the beginning
of our own demise.SECOND ELDER
What are you saying? That
we should stop it.WELL-MANICURED MAN
You all know it's
too late to stop it.
CIGARETTE-SMOKING MAN The Well-Manicured Man leaves the room. His opinions are not welcomed there, he might as well not even come.
We can not have bias judgement.
(beat) Your daughter died for the Project.FIRST ELDER
What about Agent Alfredo?CIGARETTE-SMOKING MAN
He knows nothing. He'll
be killed anyway. (beat)
I'll be sure to see to it
that it happens.
Monica is in a white gown that is light and free. She is standing alone in the clouds. Ahead of her is a bright light... but behind her is her life. Flashes of her as a child on a pony, on a roller coaster, her high school graduation, her life in New Orleans, Doggett, her parents, Brad Follmer... all of this is challenging her.
A figure emerges from the bright light. It is a man (40s). Monica seems to recognize him. She looks a little shocked, but is happy to see this man. He puts his hand out to her.
MONICA She takes his hand. She smiles, a tear comes to her eye. As they start to move towards the bright light, we begin to fall through the clouds.
Take my hand Monica. I
can show you the way.
Doggett enters the office. The Smoking Man is in a corner.
DOGGETT Doggett takes a seat.
You wanted to see me, sir?KERSH
Yes Agent Doggett, take a seat.
KERSH Doggett gets a little uneasy.
I'm afraid I have
some bad news.
KERSH Doggett looks on with no emotion, not wanting to believe.
Your partner, Ms. Reyes, has been killed.
I know she was very close
to you. And I understand
if you need some time off.DOGGETT
(not sad, more skeptical of what he's been told)
What about Agent Alfredo?Kersh gives a small glance back at the Smoking Man.
KERSH The Smoking Man leaves the room.
He is missing. We have men
out looking for him.DOGGETT
I know you want all the
answers Agent Doggett,
but they are not available.
KERSH Doggett gets up and walks towards the door. He turns just before he leaves.
(changing the subject)
I understand if you need
some time off, Agent Doggett.
(beat) You may leave now.
DOGGETT Kersh looks up to him.
You can't bury the
truth forever, sir.
KERSH Doggett gives him one last look and walks out the door.
I don't bury it, John.
I protect it.
It's dark, wet, cold, and Robert Alfredo is all alone in this cell. We can't see him very well, but we know he is still alive because we can hear him breathing.
Muffled voices can be heard outside the cell. They speak in Russian. A light shines in from the outside and hits Alfredo in the face. We can see he's not doing so well. Duck tape is over his mouth, his right eye is swollen shut, he's got a cut lip, and just look like hell. His eyes are red from lack of sleep, and who knows what else these people have tortured him with. The light goes out and all is dark again.
The Dead Gang are sitting on a white bench all alone in the middle of the white clouds. Behind them, we see a beautiful city.
SKINNER Krycek laughs.
I think I'm finally getting
used to this being dead thing.SCULLY
What took you so long?
SKINNER Mulder notices something in the distance.
I guess I never really
realized how beautiful it is.MULDER
Yeah... and traveling to other
places is so much more easier!KRYCEK
And faster.MARITA
I still miss sleeping.
MULDER They all pause and stare at who is coming.
Here comes another new arrival.SCULLY
She looks familiar...
KRYCEK Krycek turns to Skinner.
Hey! It's Monica!SKINNER
I thought you didn't like
her because she put a daisy
on your old desk.
KRYCEK Marita makes a coughing noise. Krycek turns to her.
Don't you pay attention to
anything? I got over that when
I realized she was a friend of
Doggett's. And besides, she's hot.
KRYCEK They all agree and walk over to her. Monica stops walking when she sees them.
(to Marita)
Not as hot as you...MARITA
Shut up.SCULLY
Why is she here? She's not
dumb enough to drive into
a tornado like Krycek did.MULDER
Let's go greet her and find out!
MONICA The Dead Gang look confused.
I know you...
But we've never met before...MONICA
But I've seen you before...
(beat) Where am I?MULDER
(overly happy)
The Afterlife!Monica gets a scared look on her face.
SCULLY Krycek comes up besides Scully. He checks Monica out.
Don't worry... it'll be ok.
KRYCEK Monica looks at him. A suspicious eye. Krycek gives her his classic 'I'm damn sexy' grin.
Yeah... you've got a hot
man like me here.
You... you were the one...
(mad) You possessed me! (beat)
You were the evil I felt! You
got me suspended by Kersh!Krycek steps back, afraid that she might hurt him. He remembers when he did that (4x04 A New Partners).
The real God and Devil walk into this dark room... it should remind us of "The Wizard of Oz"... Death is there... He is wearing a skull mask and looks terrifying. Like something out of your worst nightmares. He talks in a loud booming voice.
Come in!The Devil hides behind God.
DEATH The Devil steps forward.
Do you know why I
I have called you here?GOD
You have been dishonest!
DEVIL The Devil hides behind God again.
Maybe I can explain. You
see, we thought it was
about time for a vacation,
so we got those two to
replace us.GOD
Yeah... but she didn't
take the responsibilities.DEATH
Do you realize that they were
not suppose to die?! They aren't
on the list! (beat) Not yet anyway!
DEATH There is a beat before Death answers.
You will go and bring
them to me so we can
fix this problem.GOD
But won't they be able to
tell everyone about the Afterlife?
Oh crap! (beat) I'll figure
something out. (beat/booming)GO!!They run out of there fast.
Doggett walks in and goes straight to Monica's desk. He turns her computer on. He's searching for any clues about where she was going and why. He finds nothing. But then, he remembers. Monica was at a website before she left. He types in the URL... there is a note on the page that says the site has been shut down. No explanation as to why it is shut down. This gets Doggett's mind working.
Doggett senses a presence in the room. He looks around, but can't see anyone. Over his shoulder stands Monica.
MONICA Monica looks up worried.
Wow! (beat) So you've done
this before... spying on us?MULDER
Yep. This is how we
know what's going on.MONICA
(about Doggett)
He's looking for me... Does
he know I'm dead?SCULLY
Yeah... he just needs
to find Alfredo before
he gets killed.
MONICA Suddenly, out of nowhere, the God and Devil appear. Krycek screams like a sissy.
How do I let him know?KRYCEK
You have to find that
out on your own.MONICA
I don't have that kind
of time. Robert doesn't either.
(beat) This is all my fault.
DEVIL Doggett continues to check Monica's computer.
Oh don't be such a sissy Alex.KRYCEK
I'm not a sissy.
GOD With the snap of her fingers, everyone disappears. Leaving Doggett all alone. He's now going through Monica's desk. He pulls out a crystal ball and holds it up close to his face, enlarging his eye.
There's a problem. You
all have to come with us.SCULLY
Just come with us and
everything will get explained.
The Dead Gang, including Monica, appear in the room with the God and Devil. In front of them, sitting in a large chair is Death.
DEATH Krycek looks back at the gang. He doesn't know what to expect and is a bit frightened. He slowly comes forward.
Come forward, Alex Krycek.
DEATH Monica cautiously steps forward.
You have been lied to by the
Devil. Infact, you and your
friends should not even be dead.
MONICA Monica smiles and steps back with the group.
Does that mean me too?DEATH
DEATH Krycek steps back. He looks a little sad that he's not the Devil anymore. The God and Devil stop forward.
I now take the duties of being
the Devil off of Alex Krycek.
DEATH Death shoots his hand out and a flash of light hits the God and Devil, and they disappear.
You're punishment will be
to never again take a
vacation from your jobs.DEVIL
(extra loud boom)
You heard me!
DEATH The group comes forward. Skinner hides behind Marita.
All of you, come here.
MULDER There is a long silent beat.
(in awe)
Does this mean we can go
home? And make Super Buddies
whole again?DEATH
Only under these circumstances:
You never tell anyone you were here.MONICA
That will be a little hard
since people have noticed
we've been dead.
DEATH They all look happy with those arrangements.
Ok, I'll send you back to
March 28, 2001... right before
everything got messed up, so you
can correct it. (beat) Monica,
You'll go back to New Orleans and
continue your life there.
KRYCEK Death smiles. Then flashes a bright light at them and they disappear.
You're such a cool guy, Death.
Krycek, Marita, Scully, and Skinner are running from the van. Doggett and the dog are already in the ditch. They all suddenly stop running.
Mulder!They all simultaneously turn around and run back to the van to find Mulder in the back seat. His ankle hurt again.
Mulder is sitting in the back seat.
Guys, it hurts again!Mulder shows them his ankle. The tornado approaches.
The van starts to shake and rattle, as if it's being picked up by the tornado...
Could it happen all over again? Off their scared faces, we...