Title: Out For Ice Cream
Authors: Cassie
Summary: Doggett has been reinvestigating his son's murder case outside the office and he's having a bad day. Who can help him feel better?
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own John Doggett, Monica Reyes, Fox Mulder, Alex Krycek, Walter Skinner, Dana Scully, or Marita Covarrubias. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting.
Monica is sitting at her desk, reading a romance novel. She hypnotically turns the page, entranced by the content.
Momentarily, Doggett enters – he’s not well-rested and not in a good mood.
MONICA Doggett grunts something of a response back. Ok, he’s not in a good mood. Monica takes notice and a concerned frown crosses her face.
Good morning, John.
MONICA Monica sets her book down, she’ll have none of that.
Is everything ok? You seem tense.DOGGETT
(doesn’t look at her)
I’m fine.
MONICA He looks up at her: “don’t you go there”. Monica knows this look too well, she lets out a short sigh.
Ok, I’m listening. Spill the beans.
What’s wrong?
MONICA He doesn’t answer her. Instead he continues looking down, guilty of her accusation.
Don’t tell me you’ve gone back
looking for clues in your son’s case.
MONICA Monica says nothing, she knows what he’s said is true.
(goes to him)
John, don’t do this to yourself.
I know how much it means to you
to know what happened to Luke.
Ten years is a long time, it was hard
enough working the case then, I can’t
imagine how you can find anything now.DOGGETT
(doesn’t want to discuss this now)
Mon’, you’ve told me I need to let go
of things. I want to move on, but I
can’t do that if I don’t know what happened
to my son. I need closure. You know that.
MONICA Doggett stands, yes, very irritable.
I-it’s just you get so irritable when
you dig into this and –DOGGETT
- Irritable?MONICA
Yes. You grunt your morning greetings,
frown all day, mope, you can’t sleep at night –
DOGGETT As Doggett says this, Scully enters their office, a plastic bag of strawberries in her hand. She hears Doggett’s statement and offers him a strawberry as he storms pass her on his way out of the room.
(calm anger)
How I deal with the loss of my son
is none of your goddamned business.
SCULLY Monica sits back down at her desk, Scully leans against the side of Doggett’s desk and snacks on her strawberries. She and Monica are quiet. Monica is worried about Doggett.
What side of the bed did he
wake up on?MONICA
Take a wild guess.
SCULLY Monica scrunches up her face in reaction to that.
So? Aren’t you gonna let me in
on why he stormed out of here?MONICA
I’m not sure I should tell you.SCULLY
Please do, otherwise I’ll have to go
back to Mulder and his theories on
a case we worked on several years ago
(beat) about a “vampire” who sucked
blood out of cows.
MONICA Scully gets up and walks over to Monica.
(gets up and shuts office door)
Ok, but you have to promise you won’t
tell John that I told you, and you can’t
tell anyone else.SCULLY
MONICA Scully nods her head in agreement.
Ten years ago, John was married.
He had a son, Luke. When Luke was
seven, he disappeared. John was with
the NYPD at the time and I was fresh
out of Quantico and got assigned to the
case. Luke’s body was found in a field
three days after he disappeared. (beat)
We never found his killer. John blamed
himself, his marriage was ruined and
he broke off the few close friendships
he did have, with the exception of myself,
and I think that is because I was an
investigator on the case. (beat) Every now
and then, he goes back to the case, reviewing
it for anything that he could have missed before.
Let me guess, he did that today?MONICA
Yes. His failure to find new information
makes him upset and unfriendly to everyone.SCULLY
Maybe we could have Mulder help with
the case. He has a knack for seeing
things that are unseen by others.MONICA
No. After ten years, I think John needs
to realize that maybe he’ll never have
complete closure. He needs to move on
and allow himself to enjoy what he does
have in life. Sometimes I think John, chooses
to ignore what’s right in front of him because
of this.
SCULLY Scully takes a moment to ponder what Monica has told her. Then a confused expression appears on her face.
Maybe he needs to let it all out.
Ya know, talk to someone.MONICA
I’ve tried that. Doesn’t work, and
I’m his best friend.SCULLY
Maybe he needs to talk with someone
who is not familiar with the case.MONICA
Don’t even suggest, he’ll refuse. He’s
a very stubborn man. I’ve come to accept that
he will never get over it. (beat) That’s why
he doesn’t ask you out, you know, he’s
afraid to let anyone get close to him.SCULLY
All because of this?MONICA
(nods her head)
He doesn’t want to hurt anyone
or lose those he cares about.
He does care about you, Dana.
SCULLY Monica lets out a sigh. Doggett pretends he doesn’t have a “thing” for Scully and Scully is deciding to play “oblivious”.
He wants to ask me out?MONICA
Yeah, but he won’t because
he can’t let go of the Luke thing.SCULLY
He hasn’t shown any interest in me.
SCULLY Monica reads the tone in Scully’s voice the wrong way.
I bet I can get him to talk with me –MONICA
- Please don’t. It’ll only add to his
suffering and he’ll get mad at me
because I’m the only one here that
would tell this to anyone.SCULLY
Well, then perhaps I can take his
mind off things for a while.
MONICA Doggett re-enters the office with a cup of coffee. He doesn’t look at Monica or Scully and sits down without saying a word.
Dana, John’s not that kind of guy.
Plus it’s been ten years since he’s
been with a woman, and Vegas
doesn’t count.SCULLY
Monica! That’s not what I’m talking about!
Monica signals for Scully not to say anything about their conversation, she places her index finger to her lips.
A moment later, Mulder comes stumbling into the office.
MULDER Mulder looks to Doggett.
Scully, I just realized you were gone.
Did you hear the part about the fake
vampire teeth? (beat) What are you
doing in here again?SCULLY
Oh, Mon’ and I were discussing “girl” things.
MULDER Mulder shuffles out.
Why does he get to sit in on with
the “girl” conversation? Why can’t I?SCULLY
Because you and women don’t work
well together, remember?MULDER
Oh. (long beat) I guess I’ll wake up
Krycek and tell him about the teeth…
DOGGETT Doggett and Scully shoot Monica a look.
(very professional)
Agent Reyes, do we have any
new assignments today?MONICA
(snotty but not on purpose)
No, but you sure seemed to find
a case to work on.
DOGGETT Scully coughs, to remind them that she’s still in the room.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?MONICA
Nothing. I was just reflecting on
the past and how you were never
able to find any new leads that were solid.DOGGETT
I keep goin’ back because I’m damn sure
something was missed. There’s too much
that doesn’t make any sense.MONICA
You have to let it go, John.
Or else you’ll never allow
yourself to be truly happy.DOGGETT
I’m happy. Happy with my life,
happy with my crap job and
dammit, I’m happy being lonely.
SCULLY Scully leaves the office and Monica follows her. After Monica shuts the door behind her, Scully turns to face her.
Monica… Can I speak to you outside?
SCULLY Monica walks off toward the Janitor’s Lounge. Now it’s Scully’s turn to sigh.
Monica, I really think you need
to drop the subject. Obviously it’s
not helping him.MONICA
No kidding.SCULLY
I was thinking maybe I could
take him out for lunch. There’s a
new café a few blocks down I’ve
been meaning to try. Maybe John
just needs to get out of the office
for a while.MONICA
Well might I suggest you don’t
bring up the Luke thing over a meal.
You don’t want to be picking oatmeal
from your hair the rest of the day.
This is more of an ice cream parlor out of Barbie Land, instead of a nice adult sit-in-feel-good café. The walls are white and tables pastel pink, pastel sea green chairs and pastel blue and white tile floor.
Scully and Doggett are seated at a two person booth against a wall. They have finished their main meal and are enjoying ice cream deserts, with loads of toppings.
They’ve been here for awhile, but really haven’t talked much.
SCULLY Doggett cracks, he lets out a laugh and takes another bite from his bowl of ice cream.
This place reminds me of my first
date. I was… ten… and I asked out
this shy boy from my homeroom class.
I made him take me to an ice cream parlor
because the interior reminded me of Barbie.
DOGGETT Scully takes another bite of ice cream.
God. (he gulps) My first date was with
this girl, Shannon. I was so obsessed
with the Army, Navy, Marines and Air
Force, that I had her over to my place,
organized a group of friends to play “war”.
Though Shannon left just as it began, I
still considered it a successful “date”. (laughs)
Fortunate for me, she gave me another
chance eight years later when I was a sophomore.SCULLY
I don’t blame her for running the first time, a
“war” date isn’t usually a girl’s idea of a good
DOGGETT He gives her a smile to make her mind curious and then finishes off his ice cream.
That would depend on the nature
of the “war”.
Monica and Kryek are seated at a table, munching on hamburgers and french fries. In the background we see that Mulder is going through the lunch line, chatting with the food service people.
KRYCEK Krycek laughs so hard that soda flies out of his nostrels. Mulder joins them.
(to Monica)
So why is Doggett in such a bad mood?MONICA
I’m not sure, though I can bet that it’s
probably because he hasn’t been laid
in practically a decade.
MULDER He sits down. Krycek stops laughing, but a goofy smirk remains on his face.
Oh my God! I missed a joke!
KRYCEK Mulder is currently glancing around the cafeteria, looking for something.
Ya know Mon’… that problem
could easily be taken care of.MULDER
Oh no. You’re discussing my
foot odor problem.MONICA
(to Krycek)
Well you know… Scully has the reputation –MONICA
- But he likes her, therefore he respects
her. Plus she’s the same way about him
so I doubt she’d just do that as a one-night
kind of thing.KRYCEK
That’s a pity…
MULDER Sadly he starts eating his meal, tears welling up in his eyes. Unfortunately, he can’t keep his emotions in tact. Clumsily he stands up and quickly exits the cafeteria.
Where is Scully? She promised
me she’d have lunch with me.
Scully and Doggett have finished their ice cream and have been having nice conversations about nothing at all.
SCULLY Doggett’s eyes pop open with understanding excitement.
So, I already know you like the
movie “Titanic”, what other films
do you enjoy?DOGGETT
My all time favorite is definitely
Good choice.DOGGETT
I get a kick out of army comedies,
like Sargeant Bilko, In The Army Now,
Good Morning Vietnam and Renaissance
Man. How ‘bout you?SCULLY
Oh I love military movies, other than
that I guess I’m pretty boring. My favorite
film is “Gone With The Wind”. Older films
are always enjoyable to watch. (beat)
However… and this is a bit embarrassing,
I adore the films of Mel Brooks.
DOGGETT He leans back in “defeat” of having found out Scully is a Mel Brooks fan too.
Dollars to donuts, never in my life
have I thought I’d meet a woman
that can appreciate Mel Brooks.SCULLY
You like him too?! We can be
Mel Marathon Buds!DOGGETT
(like Froederick Frankenstein of “Young Frankenstein”)
Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!SCULLY
(way too excited)
That’s my favorite Mel film!DOGGETT
“Young Frankenstein” is your favorite too?
(beat, calmer) I think I’m in love.
DOGGETT Scully erupts with laughter and practically falls out of her seat.
I hate to embarrass myself, but I
have to tell you that that movie inspired
me to take a few dance classes so I
could dance to “Puttin’ On The Ritz”.
SCULLY Doggett nods, he can see how that could be misinterpreted by someone young.
John, you’re too much! You’ve got
to show me that someday.
(beat/more serious) At least you were
positively influencd by Mel. His crude
humor tarnished me.DOGGETT
(not believing her)
Nah… can’t be that bad, can it?SCULLY
(quieter/not proud)
When I was younger, I had an
awful reputation of being a slut.
When Inga chanted “Roll! Roll!
Roll in the hay!”, it made me think
sex wasn’t something special you
share with the man you love. (beat)
So I didn’t.
They sit there in silence, oddly enough (or ironically?) , their conversation about Mel Brooks took a turn toward the uncomfortable. Doggett decides to change the conversation slightly.
So… feelin’ a little gutsy:
DOGGETT They pause, how’d the other know what they were going to say?
So uh… you wanna come over
to my place this weekend and have
a Mel Brooks movie marathon?SCULLY
Definitely. We can start with-DOGGETT/SCULLY
- Blazing Saddles.
DOGGETT They both laugh. Scully looks at their table and then at her wristwatch.
It’s been ages since I sat down
to watch that one.SCULLY
Me too. Mainly because Marita
likes to hide my Mel videos. She
doesn’t think they are “lady-like”.DOGGETT
No kidding.
SCULLY She stands and goes to pay for their lunch. Doggett leaves a tip on the table.
Well, we should probably be going.
On their way out:
DOGGETT She rolls her eyes.
Thanks for takin’ me out for lunch.
It’s been a great stress reliever.SCULLY
It’s the least I could do.DOGGETT
I’ll pay you back this weekend.
I’ll order us the best cheese
pizza you’ll ever taste.
SCULLY Doggett puts his arm over her shoulder, he’s so happy he’s found someone that can bring him up when he is down. Nevermind the fact that she has great taste in movies and shares the same skepticism as him when it comes to the paranormal.
Oh John, cheese is so plain
you should spice it up with
pepperoni and Italian sausage.DOGGETT
Nah… cheese is just fine…
And we can get bread sticks.SCULLY
I can’t believe we are talking
about food so soon after eating so much.DOGGETT
Good point.
I think this is the beginning
of a beautiful friendship –
SCULLY We pull back to reveal we are back at the FBI in the basement Janitor’s Lounge.
But Monica! You said that
he liked me! And I figured
that you meant as more than
just a friend!
MONICA Monica winks at Scully.
(not getting it)
He does.SCULLY
Then why did he say “beginning
of a beautiful friendship”?!
“Friendship”, Mon! “Friendship”!MONICA
It’s Johnny. He likes to have a
friendship to base his romantic
relationships on. Don’t be too
turned off by it, he did invite
ya over this weekend.
SCULLY With that, Monica leaves and returns to her office.
(not really convinced)
Thanks for getting his mind off the
Luke thing, he’s been very pleasant
since the two of you got back from lunch.
(beat) Oh, Mulder is mad at you for not
eating with him in the cafeteria today. I
think I heard him crying awhile ago.
Scully heads out the door, to go apologize to Mulder, this could take awhile.
Monica enters the office and immediately notices that Doggett’s mood has changed, he’s quiet and has a calm expression on his face. He’s looking at something in his hand.
Monica walks over to him.
MONICA Doggett looks up at her, he doesn’t answer.
John? What is it?
MONICA Doggett shows her what he was holding in his hand. The wallet that he thought he lost in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, all that’s left in it is one of his only pictures of Luke.
(more demanding)
John? What is it?
DOGGETT Doggett folds his wallet closed and sticks it in the back pocket of his pants. He sits down and turns on his computer. Monica stands there before him, wondering if he’s going to be all right.
Got an anonymous package, this
is what was in it.
Doggett feels her looking at him, he looks up.
DOGGETT Doggett hands Monica a file folder, she takes it back to her desk and opens it, yet keeps an eye on Doggett. He seems fine. Monica shakes her head in amazement, whatever Scully talked to him about sure seemed to help him.
Kersh sent us this new case,
we’ll be going out of town for
a few days. I suggest you familiarize
yourself with the details.
As we pan out of their office, we see the both of them at work.