Title: “A Green Faced Nightmare”
Author: Kristi
Feedback: If you really think it deserves it (xf_endroad@yahoo.com)
Archive: Addicted To Doggett, my sites! Anyone else, please ask.
Rating: G
Website: https://www.angelfire.com/ks3/manydeaths/index.html
Spoilers: Arcadia
Category: Mulder angst, extreme humor, Skinner/Scully romance implied
Summary: Mulder can’t get a peaceful nights sleep after seeing Scully in that green facial mask.
Disclaimer: I do not own Mulder or Scully. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting.
Date: January 23, 2003
Author’s Note: I just had too… Cassie was going through Arcadia screen captures and she inspired me.
FADE IN:The thought was frightening. The memory burned into his brain. He’d been branded like a cow. What a frightening sight to see… Agent Dana Scully with a green face. It didn’t take much force to get him out of the room. He preferred the couch, and he certainly didn’t want be in the same room as that frightening sight.
He had been scarred. Scarred for life.
The image of Dana Scully emerging from the bathroom with that green thing on her face kept Fox Mulder twisting and turning in fear as he slept on the couch.
“The thrill was gone” he thought. “But the chill was still there.”
That chilling sight of Scully in that green facial mask!
He turned again in his sleep. His eyes squeezed tight. He didn’t want to open his eyes in fear that she would be looking over him with that green thing on her face. The thought frightened him.
Why would Skinner send them on this undercover assignment? What was his real reason? Was he pissed at Mulder? At Scully?
Mulder knew that Scully and Skinner had a fight before he assigned them on this assignment. They’re relationship was a bit rocky. Why else would Skinner have sent her to be “married” to Mulder on her birthday? It was the only explanation, he was mad at her and thought she deserved a week of hell with Mulder. But now it was Mulder who was in hell. Scully got him back for all those ditches by scaring him with that green mask!
He turned in his sleep again as the image re-entered his mind.
Would 0he never again have a peaceful night’s sleep? Probably not. He wanted out of this assignment, x-file or not, he didn’t care any more. The comfort of his own apartment and knowing that Agent Scully would never be there when he woke up was the only happy thought he could think of. Saying good night to his fish, they never wore green masks on their faces as they went to sleep.
The image re-entered his head. This time Scully not only emerging from the bathroom with the green facial mask on but she looked overly horrifying… like a monster!
Mulder tossed and turned again. The image wouldn’t leave his head. He falls off the couch with a loud thud, he screams as he’s suddenly awakened by his own falling.
He looks around the room. A sigh of relief as he notices she’s not down there. He gets back on the couch, lays down, attempting to sleep.
Insomnia will stay with him until he knows he’s safe at home…