Title: Leyla's Happy Ending
Author: Kristi
Disclaimer: I do not own Agent Leyla Harrison. She belongs to Frank Spotnitz, Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and 20th Century FOX.
Feedback: Yes please. =)
Archive: Please ask me...
Spoilers: I don't even like spoilers! How could I have them!
Summary: Agent Leyla Harrison meets a shadowy figure...
Author's Note: Ok, if you liked Agent Leyla Harrison from the season 8 episode "Alone"... please don't read this because I didn't care for her. :D
Agent Leyla Harrison was in the FBI cafiteria dying her already bleach blond hair bleach blond."Oh my gosh... I love bleach blond!" Leyla exclaimed with joy as she admired herself in a spoon.
She placed her spoon down and began eating her shrimp sandwich.
In the dark shadows a figure lurks...
Leyla finishes her sandwhich and walks away.
In her small office, Agent Harrison admired herself once again in a mirror. She starts to fidget with her nose."I wonder if Mulder and Scully would like my hair like this..."
Suddenly, from behind her, the dark figure unlurks. She turns around startled.
"Like, oh my gosh, who are you?" She asks.
"My name is Alex Krycek, and I'm here to kill you."
Krycek moves towards her.
"Oh wait! I have to fix my hair." Leyla says.
Krycek rolls his eyes.
"I have to look good for when Mulder and Scully find me. Do you think I should dye my hair red like Scully's?"
She continues to ramble on and on about Mulder and Scully.
Krycek has had enough.
"Believe me lady," he says. "It's not going to make a difference."
He pulls out a knife and slowly approaches her.
"Oh please... NO! I have to live out my sexual fantasies through Scully!" she screams.
Krycek gets an evil grin as he thrusts the knife into her stomach.
"Thank you." she says.
"What are you talking about? I'm killing you! You bleach blond ditz!"
"You're helping me loose weight." she smiles.
Krycek has had enough of her stupidity. He pulls out his gun and shoots her in the head.
Her bloody body falls to the ground dramatically. Krycek gives a little smerk and walks out.
As the sudden applauds of an unexpected peanut gallery fill the silence, Krycek walks back in and takes his bow as flowers are thrown at him.
Of this we: