That Mirror Was Modest Productions

Title: Leyla's New Obsession
Author: Kristi
Summary: Agent Leyla Harrison finds a new obsession...
Spoilers: Ummm... "Scary Monsters"... kinda... I didn't watch that episodes so not really...
Disclaimer: I do not own Leyla Harrison (good thing for that!), John Doggett or Monica Reyes.
Author's Note: This is your only warning! I do not at all in any way shape or form like Agent Leyla Harrison... so if you do... bugger off!



Agent Doggett walks into his office with a brown bag sack lunch. He also carries a newspaper in with him. He sits at his desk and tosses his newpaper down. He opens his sack lunch and takes out the contents: an apple, a balogny sandwich, a container with salad, and a bottle of water. He picks up his sandwich, a smile comes to his face. He opens his mouth and is about to enjoy the first bite of his sandwich when suddenly, there is a knock on his door. Doggett's grin fades.

He stays silent for a beat, hoping that whom ever it is will think he is gone and go away.

The knock comes again. Doggett puts his sandwich down.

Come in.

The door creeks open. In steps the nausiating face, with bleach blond hair, Agent Leyla Harrison.

Hi Agent Doggett.

Doggett doesn't look at all happy to see her.

I noticed you weren't in
the cafeteria today. I
thought I'd come join you
for lunch down here.

Doggett notices her sack lunch.

(under breath)
For cryin' out loud.

Leyla comes in and pulls up a seat to his desk. She pulls out the contents of her lunch: an apple, a balogny sandwich, a container with salad, and a bottle of water... THE SAME AS DOGGETT'S!

So, uh... Agent Doggett-

-I don't want to hear about
Mulder and Scully again.

Leyla smiles her disgusting smile at him.

I don't care about them
anymore, Agent Doggett.
Ever since I saw you...

She sighs and stares at him. Doggett looks at her blankly.

No... not me.

Yes, you!

She smiles at him again.

I'd like to eat in peace.
Please leave me alone.

He picks up his newspaper. Harrison doesn't leave.

But I've studied you, Agent Doggett.

Doggett says nothing, hoping his silence will make it go away.

I know everything about
you. About your ex-wife,
your son... everything.

Doggett's eyes notice an article in his newspaper. It's about a stalker on the loose. And the description matches that of... LEYLA HARRISON!! Doggett's eyes go wide as he realizes that this dangerous psychopath of a stalker is stalking HIM!!

He slowly lowers the newspaper to look at her. Her eyes look psychotic. In her hand she holds a knife. She lunges forward to attack him.

Doggett gets up out of his seat faster than a rabbit! She falls over his desk. She gets up and runs towards him with her knife. Doggett quickly pulls his gun and shoots her right between the eyes.

She stops dead in her tracks. The knife falls to the ground. She falls forward and dies. Her blood gushing from her head.

Monica Reyes comes running through the door.

Agent Doggett?!

Monica ses him. She looks down at Harrison's dead body.

Finally! She's dead.

She was the psycho stalker.
(beat) And she was stalking me!

I know, I just found out.
(beat) Good thing she's dead.

They look down at her. Blood continues to gush from her head.

Off of this wonderful sight...