That Mirror Was Modest Productions

Title: “That Much, And Nothing More”
Author: Kristi
Feedback: If you really think it deserves it (
Archive: Addicted To Doggett, my sites! Anyone else, please ask.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Category: Doggett POV, character death, hint at DSR and FRR
Summary: Doggett doesn’t know where he is, or how he got there. This is his thoughts on everything that is going on.
Disclaimer: I do not own John Doggett, Monica Reyes, Dana Scully, Brad Follmer, or Walter Skinner. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting.
Date: January 22, 2003
Author’s Note: It’s snowing and I began to think…


Have you ever noticed how quiet the world is when it snows? Not a normal quiet, more of a silence, and in this case, for John Doggett, it was an eerie silence. He didn’t know how he got to this abandoned cabin, or why he was there. All he knew was that the snow was falling, and he can’t move.

The cabin has been abandoned for several years, it has all the signs. Dead leaves on the ground, rotted wood, and a hole in the roof. This wasn’t a safe place to take shelter from the winter storm, but John Doggett had no choice. Or did he? He can’t remember.

There is a small pot in the fireplace, a dying fire is still lit. Doggett can see it from where he is laying down. How did it get there? He didn’t know.

He can barely move his body.

I’m a frozen? Or is this some kind of out of body experience?

No. It couldn’t be that. John Doggett doesn’t believe in that kind of hocus pocus. That’s something Monica Reyes would believe in.

Monica. Where was she?

He thought hard. He doesn’t know where she it. The last thing he can remember of her was the two of them driving on a snow covered road.

She has to be here.

Maybe the dying fire was lit by her. But where was she now? If there at all. His head pounded, and not from thinking two hard. Feeling was beginning to come back to him. He has a bump on his head. He lightly places his finger tips on the bump. It hurts like a bitch.

What is going on?

Has he been seriously injured on the head? Is that why he was out? He can’t remember. If Dana were here, she’d be able to tell him if something was wrong. He doesn’t remember how he got here, maybe there has been serious damage to his head. He can’t tell if he’s bleeding, or anything. There are no mirrors here.

Where’s Dana?

She was with him and Monica too. He remembers that much and nothing more.

Maybe she’s with Monica?

He doesn’t know for sure.

His eyes begin to feel heavy. He doesn’t know why. Is it light-headedness? Or was it being hit on the head? He can’t stay awake anymore. His heavy eyes shut.

All is black.

He doesn’t know how long he was out. He doesn’t know that much, but the silence is still there, that much he knows, and nothing more. It’s still black. Is it blindness? Or has he not opened his eyes. He can’t tell. It’s still cold in here. More than cold, it’s freezing. Maybe he has died. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know anything about what is going on. He doesn’t like not being in control of himself, or a situation he is involved in.

Suddenly there is light. His eyes have opened. The room is blurry. He can’t see anything clearly, everything is a silhouette. The light makes his head pound more and more.

What is going on?

Footsteps crunch in the snow outside. Doggett shakes his head to clear his vision. He can’t. It’s all a big blur. He gets up from where he was laying down. His balance is off.

The footsteps come. He remembers now, it’s all coming back to him. It’s not good.

The car was warm, and the snow fell gently to the ground. Doggett was driving. He’s panicked. Dana Scully was in the back seat with Monica Reyes. Monica is bleeding. Shot in the stomach. Scully is trying to save her.

“Is she gonna be ok?” Doggett asks frantically.

“I don’t know.” Scully says.

Being a medical doctor, Scully knows that being shot in the gut is a slow and painful way to die. She doesn’t know how to tell either one.

“John, we have to find a hospital.” Scully tells him.

“We can’t. They’ll be there looking for us.” It hurts her to say this, but Monica speaks anyway.

“Don’t try to talk, Mon’.” Scully says. “You have to save your strength.”

Monica tries to relax, but the pain is too much.

“John, if we don’t get her to a hospital, she’s going to die.” Scully says. She’s stern and serious. “There’s nothing more I can do for her.”

Doggett looks in the rear-view mirror at her. He sees Scully is close to crying. There is nothing more either one of them can do. They have to get Monica to a hospital. She is going to die.

Doggett has to make a decision. A hard one at that. Going to a hospital would save Monica. But they would also get caught by these bastards. Would they kill all of them? Who knows? He sure as hell didn’t. They seemed pretty damn hostile before. They will kill us.

“John. Don’t worry about me.” Monica painfully speaks.

Doggett looks back at her.

“I’m not going to make it.” Monica says. “I’m a lost cause. You two can save yourselves. Please don’t die because of me. I’m not worth it.”

Shit! Why did she have to say that!

Doggett looks back to the road. He doesn’t know what to do. Frustration and anger is setting into him. He knows what he has to do. He doesn’t like it, but Monica is right. He hits the steering wheel hard in anger.

“God dammit!” He yells.

“John, it’s the right thing to do.” Monica says, tears in her eyes. “You have to save yourselves.”

Doggett tries to focus his eyes to see who is coming. He can’t make the person out. But he knows it’s a man.

The man is dressed all in black, ski mask on his face, covering his identity. Doggett recognizes the build of the man, the same man who shot Monica.

But what about Dana? Where the hell was she?

He still didn’t remember. He remembers Monica dying, but just that, and nothing more. He shuts his eyes, searching his brain for anything on where Dana would be. He can’t remember. The footsteps get closer, crunching through the snow. He looks out the window at the man. Yes, he remembers this son of a bitch.

They left Monica there, cold and dead. She had bled to death and her last words were to Brad Follmer, telling us to tell him that she said “yes”. What was she talking about? Doggett didn’t know, but maybe Brad Follmer would. Either way, now was not the time to be thinking of that.

Doggett and Scully had to run. They had found them, tracked them down. How they did it, he’ll never know. Doggett ran faster than Scully, holding her hand so she could keep up. They were being shot at by these bastards.

They were running as fast as they could. Running to where? Who the hell knew? They didn’t know where they were, or what was out there. All Doggett knew is that they had to run fast, they were catching up. That he was sure of. That and nothing more.

Scully’s cold hands slipped out of her grasp and she fell to the ground. They had caught up to her and grabbed her away from him. She didn’t even give him time to turn around to see what had happened. She just yelled at him.

“Go!” She yelled at him.

He left her. How could he just leave her there. He should’ve stopped! But she told him to run. Run as fast as he could. And he did.

He knew this son of a bitch. He was the one that took Dana. But was she still alive? He didn’t know. All he knew is that this bastard took her away from him and killed Monica. And now, he would kill him too.

Even though his vision is blurred, he looks around the cabin. Looking for anything that could be used as a weapon.

The fireplace.

He grabs a fireplace poker. This should do. He goes over to the doorway, in a defensive position. Ready to swing at the man. The door creeks open. Doggett swings at the man. Hitting him hard and painful.


A gun is fired. Doggett goes down. All is black.

John Doggett slowly opened his eyes. They are still out of focus. The light is blinding.

Am I dead?

He can’t tell. There are blurry figures all around him. He’s laying down, the lights are going by. He blinks his eyes, trying to fix his vision.

“John?” comes the familiar voice of Dana Scully.

She’s alive.

He looks around, trying to see who is all there.

“John? Can you hear me?” Dana asks again.

“Yeah, I hear ya.” Doggett says. “I just can’t see very well.”

“I know.” Dana says.

“What the hell happened?” Doggett asked.

“I got away.” Dana says. “I found you in that cabin. You were shot, but not fatally.”

“Where am I?” Doggett asks.

“St. John’s Hospital.” Dana says. “Skinner’s taking care of things.”

“We’re gonna get these bastards?” Doggett asks.

Scully doesn’t know. Doggett senses this. His temper getting back to him.

“We can’t just let these people get away with murder, Dana.”

“I know, John.” She says, trying to sounds hopeful for him. “They’re doing all they can.”

She holds his hand. A nurse comes into this room.

“Ma’am? He needs his rest now.” The nurse says to Scully.

“Ok.” Dana says to the nurse. She turns back to John. “John? You get some rest ok. You’ve been through hell.”

She leans down and kisses him on his forehead. He shuts his eyes. He’s exhausted. He knows that much, and nothing more.