This holiday can be wonderful day to celebrate in Phantom fashion. Don’t believe me? Try the tips below to start seeing green.
Try one with a green theme, such as the greenish mask in the Claude Rains film. You can also try magical, or nature-themed films like the Charles Dance TV movie.
Among the other staples, try green frosted mask cookies and green milk, coffee or tea. Bolder folks might want a chocolate scorpion instead of the usual beer.
Like many other US holidays this day is seeing more outlandish costumes and parades each year. Be the world’s only emerald green Phantom, or wear Phantom gear with green accents.
Ever Changing Votive
Glass bowl
Tracing paper
Trace the proper size mask from an album or book using the tracing paper. Cut out the mask and eye holes then tape to the glass bowl. Trace with your outline color, allowing the paint to completely dry then remove the mask pattern. Finish with white paints for the mask itself. Always light candles with care and never leave a burning candle unattended.
Last but not least: Take pity on poor St. Patrick and say some kind words to him. Who knows, he might just grant you a boon of good luck.
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