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Anthony Zerbe as the Phantom

Rose Zerbe Rose

Ah, now here’s a delightfully wicked Phantom. Debonair, charming, and utterly frustrated that Melissa fails to notice his overtures; Zerbe comes off as a Phantom with a lot of style. Intelligent too, since he won’t take on the whole gang of street punks terrorizing the park by himself. It is so much better to use his wits and machines against them, yes? Remember; although Erik was deadly in his own right in the novel, it was the fact that he could outthink you that made him so frightening an opponent.

When let go by his unscrupulous partner from the park, Abner Devereaux goes underground to his master control room to plot his revenge. He goes so far as to automate his assistant, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Melissa who comes looking for him. For her, Devereaux puts on his most affable airs, giving her a tour of his different amusements. He is kind to her at each meeting, even when he knows full well that she is under the protection of KISS. This Phantom seems rather sad that his beloved will never notice him, but in the way of all true gentlemen never presses the point.

Deborah Ryan does a splendid job in the role of Melissa. She remains true to her boyfriend; even after discovering he’s been turned into an electronic zombie by the Phantom. She is also smart enough to admit she needs help, and enlists KISS to fill that role. Melissa also manages to get the Phantom to eat out of the palm of her hand by putting on a helpless little girl act. The viewer will wonder just who is playing who at times. Of course, the Phantom’s no fool, and every helping hand he gives her, is really an aid to himself. He’ll just sit there smiling at her too, as if he were the nicest guy in the world.

KISS needs a mention her, since they play such delightful roles. Each band member remains true to his stage persona, with some added special powers to boot. This film should go a long way to convince people that the boys in the band are just out to have fun, not dominate the world or some other such nonsense. Their fight sequences are especially entertaining, and it’s good to see Gene and all the rest in the old-style outfits of yesteryear.


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