Kindaichi faces a more sophisticated Phantom in this film. This fellow manages to evade detection on the island, spoil his denouement rambling speech, and reveals a story of heart-breaking love and loss. He is also not as violent as the manga Phantom and prefers swifter methods of retribution. Plus he has a trick up his sleeve even Kindaichi misses.
The film itself takes on the persona of another Phantom as only Japanese anime can. There is title of the play, the heavy cast focus, and even a boat named Phantom. The opera on the island has a chandelier and a painting of Christine with the Phantom’s mask. There’s also the straight Leroux intro to the film, and the nightmares the film inspires. Even the play itself makes the film into the Phantom.
Christine is here too, and in more than one form. There is the wondrous young actress who took her own life, a newcomer who wants to shine, and a harridan Carlotta who wishes the role for herself. Even a young lady not in the cast assumes the role having to be rescued by Kindaichi. Of course it goes without saying that the film score is a Christine to the film’s Phantom persona. Overall this is a solid film and a delightful departure from both leaden and fluffed-out anime styles.
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