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McDouglas as the Phantom


McDouglas is a fine Phantom, albeit a rather odd one. He clearly loves his reborn mate and turns her into a vampiress to prove it. But like all male vampires he can’t resist turning every other woman in the troupe as well, ending up with an undead harem.

Despite this, he loves his Christine dearly. He has dreamed of her and longed for her return. He wrecks all sorts of Phantom havoc in her name, including the much-loved staple of dropping heavy things on people. The poor vampire Phantom has waited what seems ages for his true love even if he is a bigamist.

In the end even if he is greedy and downright repugnant at times, the tenderness in his heart for his ladylove redeems him. Like all Phantoms before and hence he might be a monster, but true love sets him free.


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