Yes these spells work. Remember it is the will of the spell caster that matters, not so much the words. So, if you want to submit your own spells, please feel free to do so. Try to visualize the elements invoked as you chant each spell. Also remember to cast a protective circle of light before ALL banishing work. Blessed Be!
Protection Spell
May the mask of black
repel darkness.
May the mask of white
draw goodness.
So mote it be!
Security Spell
Wrap your cape around me
shelter me and banish fear
Your arms gird around me
giving me strength.
Inner Strength Spell
I wrap my cape around me
it shelters me
and banishes fear
My arms are like iron
I can feel my strength.
Banishing Spell
By mask I banish thee,
by rose I wound thee.
Evil suffers evil.
In the name of
all that is Holy
Healing Spell
My tears do dry
my pain does go
My health regrows
like the rose.