How to make and enchant a Red Death doll for your protection
A) Make the doll prior to Samhain night. The size of the finished doll isn’t important, so the number of beads needed, and twine lengths are up to you.
You’ll need:
one plastic treat skull
red pony beads
one feather
tape or glue
To make the Red Death doll:
1) Punch a hole in the bottom of the skull using scissors. Be careful not to split the skull or make the hole too big.
2) Slip the twine through the hole, knotting the end that will stay in the skull and support the body. Bead the twine, using the last bead to tie off the body.
3) Attach a piece of twine for the arms, and a piece for the legs. This can be knotted over a body bead or in between beads. Beads and knot the arms and legs, finishing with a knotted bead on each end.
4) Using glue or tape, attach the red feather to the top of the skull.
Remember to focus on your intent as you work, and to enjoy the process.
B)On samhain night cast your circle.
You’ll need:
two black candles (to honor the Erik's masculine power
one red candle (to draw love or add power)
black altar cloth (to honor Samhain
Skeleton figure to welcome a protective spirit (you can use a tiny skull or picture of Erik instead)
your completed Red Death doll
matches or lighter
gift for the spirit (this can be coffee, rum, any vice you have)
cup for offering
You can also choose to add an incense, but casters with health problems related to the lungs may wish to omit this. Also omit lighting the candles if your health or other reasons prevent you. Remember this spell and ritual are all about the happy side of Samhain.
1) Cast your circle. (You can just envision a circle of fiery white light sorrounding you and the altar, or use your athane. Light the candles. Here is where to light any incense if you include it.
2) Center and call upon the chosen ancestor or other protective spirit. Yes, you'd get results asking for Erik. A thought form perhaps, but still a result.
Deity and spirits
Hear my plea
accept my gifts
and shelter me
3) Pour the offering in the cup or chalice if you have not done so, and picture the spirit or Erik happily accepting your gift. It is fine to make two servings so you can share, but never drink that which you offer to the spirit. You wouldn’t insult a human guest, so I hope you remember you manners with Erik.
4) After the offering has been accepted, see the spirit/ancestor/Erik enchanting the doll with the asked for blessing. You can ask for any blessing, good health, money, love, luck. Remember that you desrve this gift and be ready to accept it.
5) Listen to what the spirit has to say to you. He may offer advice, ask a question, or simply smile at you. Remember if this is Erik, hee is a loaded thoughtform so give him due respect. When you feel he is ready to depart, allow him to leave. He might leave before you’re ready for him to, but that is just how he can be.
6) Close the circle, and blow out any candles or incense. Take the gift for the spirit/Erik outside and pour it onto the ground. If you can’t do this, run the tap and pour the offering into the running water. This step shows your grattitude and trust that Divinity will provide for you in the future.
You’re spell is completed, Blessed Be! Please feel free to modify the spell any way you wish. Use colors and materials that work for you. Play music, include food and have a party if you want. You can also use this magical night to contact the dead, use a magic mirror, or cast other spells, all of witch can be found here:
Erik Decended
Erik's Pendulum
Opera Board
Phantom of the Opera Zodiac
Phantom Spells
Red Death's Mirror
ONE WARNING: Never, ever call upon a God or Goddess with evil intent. Even if your wish was granted, I can assure you or those around you will pay for it. Remember witches work for love, and justice. Not hate and revenge.