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Kick back and relax as you enjoy a couple of the games below.


For those who just wish to color, try the Phantom coloring page by Unicef.


A person's limbs and joints were shattered, then their now-mushy limbs were braided through your wheel-spokes. Still alive, they were left to die in this fashion, either from starvation or heat/cold. Oh, the humanity! What a temper -you- have!

What torture would you be?

If the description of what I won turns your stomach, DO NOT click the link for the test. Still, it is a great way to see just how much you and Erik are alike. Adults only please, some content is graphic.


Go to this site for over 30 Phantom quizzes! Phantom Quizzes

What character from Phantom of the Opera are you most like?

brought to you by Quizilla

This is a great Phantom-based personality test by the Phantom. Guess who I'm most like when I cheat and lie on it?


The Shattered Palace

Which Erik would you be? Click the link to find out. If the above link doesn't work, click here.


Nightcat's Phantom Collector Quiz

Want to find out the type of Phantom collector you are? Take the quiz above to find out.


Nightcat's You Tube Phantom vids
Yup, Your Cat has a lot of them. One even celebrates four years for this site. Now home of the ONE SECOND PHANTOM animated films!


Nightcat's Phantom Jukebox

Click a title to hear and see the song of your choice. Oh, my most profuse apologies to the performers, lyricists, and composers whose works herein are spoofed.
The Phantomal Things
My Way
There is a Phantom in my Town
We Wish You a Phantom Christmas
Nightcat's Haunted Opera House

Somewhere in the haunted Opera, the Phantom wait for you. Did I mention all the evil Phantoms and other nasties that will try to kill you? This online adventure is filled with choices only you can make. NOTE: Ages 15-adult only, please.

Play Free Arcade Games

Visit the awesome gaming site above for over 300 classic arcade games you can play online or download for FREE!


For more gaming action try Game Rival.


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