Halloween, that most perfect of holidays, is the perfect time to scare up some Phantom-themed festivities. Try a few of the simple ideas below to help make this a Halloween your visitors won’t forget.
Towns with little light up houses and the ilk are becoming very popular, and there are Phantom pieces out there. To begin, use the felt sheets for the ground and yards on this project. Try centering the Phantom’s Opera amidst lighted trees festooned with lights and Halloween ornaments. You can have a hearse bringing visitors to the opera and other assorted characters to add interest. Try adding your smaller Phantom toys or figures for an eerie tableau. Don’t have any of this stuff? Try using old dollhouses, rubber monsters or anything else that catches your fancy.
Here’s an easy way to make a pumpkin with the famous full mask from the musical. Wash and dry your pumpkin for a clean work surface. Using the tracing paper, copy the proper size mask either from a book cover or poster. Cut the mask out and carefully cut out the eyeholes as well. Affix the mask template to the pumpkin using small loops of tape. Outline the mask and fill in the eyes applying the black paint with the cotton swab. You may need to repeat this step to reached the desired depth of black. Make sure each coat of paint is dry before you apply the next coat. Now remove the template and paint in the mask using white pumpkin paint. This may also take repeat applications. Allow your creation to dry before placing it outside.
For the advanced pumpkin, follow the same steps but add the mask highlights. Make a simple rose design with a black marker, filling in with red paint. Two types of green marker can be used to draw the stem. Finish by gluing gold foil to the stem of the pumpkin.
Make your own Phantoms or other ghouls by using what you already have. Using you support as a framework stuff the rubber mask with the plastic bags and place it on top of the pole. Attach the hanger to the pole either resting it on a cross bar or wiring it to the pole. Next affix the cape using a safety pin to close it around the throat area of the mask. Cover the open space in front by tying the white or black material over the hanger. Now affix the mask and hat to the creations head and you are done. The more hideous a rubber mask you use, the better the result.Too much work? Then try dressing up a prop you already have, as shown above.
This is perfect for a Phantom-themed party and takes seconds to make. After putting the tablecloth on use your cast Phantom masks to help hold it in place. Arrange the candles as you wish and you are ready to set up your platters and bowls or Halloween punch. You can also use one cast mask by your candy bowl to greet Trick or Treaters.
Hang your skeleton on the wall and attach a ball and chain to one foot. Use a manacle attached to a nail to raise one arm. Hang your other decorations such as an iron mask and place body parts on the floor and walls. Strew the bones and skulls on different levels. Use good doses of cobwebs to complete the project.
Using the plastic tombstones with blank spaces fill in the names of characters from Leroux’s novel.. Place them in the yard and use a bit of loose soil such as potting mix to form the top of the grave. On several graves place a stuffed mask or have a skeletal hand rising from the soil.
Additional tips:
Fake cobwebs go a long way in making the mundane spooky, cover your cast masks with them for an instant aged look.
Fake blood, while a great prop, will permanently stain some fabrics so use materials you have set aside for these projects.
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