This section consists of two parts. The first covers jewelry and watches. The second balls caps, mugs, and other essential Phantom gear. Like items are grouped in one shot for clarity's sake.
Pins The golden half mask is about two inches in length and bears the mark for Albert Elovitzin on the back. The pearl tie tack full mask and frosted stickpin both come from the Canadian production. The marble finish mask bears no stamp of manufacture.
Pins All four of these pins come from the NY production. The mask button comes from Shubert Alley along with the silver stick pin. The red frame pin features the show logo and mask, and the red ribbon pin can be found at the theatre gift shop.
Necklaces These gold and pewter full mask necklaces both come from the Toronto production gift shop.
Earrings These full mask earrings come in both white and gold.
Earrings These dangle earrings come from NY and are white half masks.
Watches The gold rim watch features a reappearing Phantom full mask. The black rim watch features a constant full mask.
Ball Caps The black ball cap features a embroidered white full mask. The reversible red cap feature the Phantom mask on the back or front, depending on which color is showing.
Mugs The mugs both feature the Phantom of the Opera logo and have heat sensitive images of the full mask on the reverse.
Pens Both of these pens come from the Phantom gift shops.
Saddle bag The saddle bag features three compartments and the Phantom full mask logo.
Magnets This two magnets on the left come from the musical’s souvenir booths. The third magnet is a reproduction of a poster for the Rains version of the film.
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