1974 Edelson, Edward. Great Monsters of the Movies New York: Pocket Books. This excellent little book contains not only an entry on the Phantom, but also a bit about the movies and the painful lengths Chaney Sr. went to during filming to get each of his characters just right. The book makes an interesting prediction that Phantom films come about every 20 years and picked the year 1981 for the next remake. Paperback, B & W photos, 119 pages.
1990 Sternfield, Jonathan. The Look of Horror Pennsylvania: Running Press. This book includes the film history of many monster greats, including the Phantom. Hardback, B & W and color photos, 144 pages.
1995 Guttmacher, Peter. Legendary Horror Films New York: Metro Publishing. There is a good first chapter here on classic film monsters, and Chaney’s Phantom is included. The Phantom has a lovely two page spread at the chapter beginning and a full page photo in the same chapter. Hardback, 128 pages.
2000, Emery, Robert J. The Directors: Take 2 TV Books A rather odd comment about the Webber divorce and the derailment of the original filming. Not over a paragraph, but a tibit for the vindictive gossip in all of us. Softback, 383 pages
2001 Bannatyne: Lesley Pratt. A Halloween How-To Gretna, Pelican Publishing Company. This wonderful book on Halloween includes a listing for the Chaney film and information on the wax works museum that carries his Phantom image. Paperback, B & W photos, 272 pages.
Newsweek Extra 2000 The Phantom graces the cover and a larger picture is inside with the horror film article. Sadly, Chaney Sr. and his most famous roles earn nary a message.
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