Aggravated Assault

The scene opens at the Wheeling Civic Center in Wheeling, West Virginia. The skies are partly cloudy, and the sun is shining brightly when it isn't covered by one of those thin white clouds. In the parking lot of the arena, cars are arriving, but not that many. Mostly, you can spot a production semi truck that reads "NWO" up in one corner, and "Netlink Wrestling Organization" along the side. Our cameras switch the back of the building where a Red Hummer's engine turns off, and the doors open. Out steps Aggravated Assault members, and NWO Tag Team Champions, PKA and Adam Payne, along with PKA's girlfriend, Ash. PKA and Payne are both carrying their bags over their shoulders and all three are walking towards the arena. PKA turns to Payne.

PKA: One more day.

PKA opens the Entrance door and Ash walks in, followed by Payne, and then PKA. We fade out.

30 Minutes Later-

We are back in the arena, and in the ring area where the crew has gotten the entire set put up just about. Then, coming from the entrance area, we can see PKA, Adam Payne, and Ash. PKA has both his NWO and WCCW Tag Team Titles with him, one in his pants hanging in front of him, and the other around his waist. He has a long silver coat on and silver baggy jeans. He smiles while he talks to his partner and girlfriend. Payne also has both of his Tag Team Titles. Ash wears a nice silver number, matching PKA, with a short skirt and a shirt that reveals her belly button and her tanned body.

They have a camera man following him and they all get into the ring. PKA tells the camera man where to stand, and he starts filming.

Switch to that camera view, facing PKA. PKA stands in the ring, looking towards the camera.

PKA: All right, listen up. This message goes out to each of my opponents this week on Malice. You see just one more day and this arena will be packed full of NWO fans eagerly awaiting to see the Main Event in which is a big Tag Team Match for OUR (pointing to Payne and himself) Tag Team Belts! But you see they are not going to be eagerly awaiting the Main Event just because its an Tag Team Title Match!.. no no you see they are going to be wanting to see it so freaking bad because of the people that are in it! No, I'm not talking about every person in this match, half the participants suck! But there are a couple that stand out and that are the real ratings drawers, such as myself, "Grade A" PKA, and this man to my right, "All Power" Adam Payne!


PKA: Now, I saw some little promos that were cut earlier today and to tell you the truth I wasn't impressed one bit! Come on now guys, Quake, Ryder, what is wrong with you two? You say that we aren't champions like you two are but hellooooo! This match on Malice is for OURRRR Tag Team Titles damnit! What's -a matta' with you boys? You two seriously need to stop smokin' that crack and talkin' that smack because Aggravated Assault are the only Champions in the NWO that matter no matter if you're the TV Champion Quake, or the International Champion Shane! well, I'll let Adam tell you! You wonder why we are so damn confident and why we are 'oozing' with self belief, but we have a very good reason for that. I may not be speaking for Adam but I am speaking for myself when I say that downright there is nobody here in the NWO that scares me! I may not be the biggest guy here but let me tell you one thing that is for sure, I've got the heart for this product and the drive to win each and every week under any..any.. circumstances. There's nothing that's going to stop me from laying your asses out in any fashion on any day in any type of match, because I'm Perfection, baby!

PKA steps aside for Adam Payne to get in front of the camera. He doesn't look happy.

Adam Payne: Quake! Ryder! Who in the hell do you think you are? Do you know who I AM? I am "All Power" ADAM PAYNE!! And the way you talked about me, and Aggravated Assault in general, was downright idiotic! Do you realize how stupid you are, boys? When I saw what you had to say about us, and how you thought we'd just be a simple walk in the park, that really pissed me off, and damnit, I'd like everyone to know that you'd sure as hell better not Piss me off!! If I knew where you were right now I'd come over and beat the living sh*t out of you and make you see that this (backing up so we can see his body) is ALL POWER! You don't get this by sitting on your ass and wishing you were an Icon! Where do you two get off by shouting out insults from thousands of miles away? That's just it, you do get off on it! But that'll come to an end on Malice. Let's see you make fun of me then, punks.

PKA steps in, and gets in front of the camera.

PKA: Exactly! What does make you so cocky? Are you really that great? And Quake, dude, have you forgotten our past meetings? Let's see, last year I beat you.. a month ago, I beat you again, and at New Force Rising, you didn't even beat me! Sure I lost, but was I pinned?

Adam Payne: Nope.

PKA: Did I tap out?

Adam Payne: Hell no.

Exactly! So why don't you just think long and hard before you act up like you have been once more! History repeats itself and it will for a third time in our match. And now Ryder, you like to talk about how I attacked you in your last time on NWO tv well BOO f'n HOO! Nobody cares in fact nobody cares that you're back. You got what you deserved and its just too damn bad and sad that you are back to get more of what I didn't dish out. Trust me, there is more Ryder. You can talk about how you're the Ruff Rider and you have my International Title but the fact remains that I am the better of the two between us. You didn't pin me, you didn't make me submit, damnit, at New Force Rising, I was cheated out of that Title by the both of you, and on Malice its payback time! See let me remind you who in the hell we beat for these NWO Tag Team Titles! We beat the former NWO Champion Christian Wright as well as the current NWO Champ Weltmeister. What can you say you've done lately that was significant? Oh my, you got a book out! WOO You got a new t-shirt out! I ran out of toilet paper earlier today, looks like I won't have to go buy anymore afterall with your book and t-shirt handy! And I hear you accept our Ladder match stipulation? That's great, but stupid. If you truly believe you can outdo us in a ladder match, or outdo me, you are out of your mind. Then again, I almost forgot who I was talking to, you ARE out of your minds! If you want to talk some crap on me about how you are angry because you didn't get your win over me last time, Quake, or how about Ryder because me and Payne destroyed you and your partner, here's your chance to redeem yourselves, and show that you truly are winners.


PKA: See you can play your games and make up your funny, stupid little jokes and try to act tough, but deep down you know that you're doomed this coming Malice! I'm going to take that ladder, give it to Payne, and he'll run both of you down with it. He'll then hit a Paindemonium on your asses, and then I'll procede on to jump off the top rope onto both of your asses on the ladder, and maybe even hit a Super P-Krusher onto it! How would you like that? Well, too bad you won't be able to tell me how it is, because you'll be in a freakin' concussion! Trust me, this team right here, Aggravated Assault, is anything and everything QVC wants to be. You can have your International Title for now Shane. You can keep your stupid little cheap ass TV Title Quake, because with these Tag Team Titles around our waist, it proves that we are fighting champions, and that we actually deserve to be the champs. When was the last time you defended those titles? Exactly, you say, you just won them, but I think its about time that you two take after us, and next week on Malice, put 'em up for grabs. Its our Time. Bet your ass on that!

PKA and Payne get close together, and the camera focuses outward, getting them both in the picture. Ash walks up behind them, and they let her in the middle. She puts her arms on each of their shoulders, with a grin. PKA crosses his arms, as does Payne, and they all stare into the camera as we fade.. to.. black.