The scene opens up as PKA and Joe sit at the dining room table. They relax in the nice chairs in front of the oak table. The sun is barely shining in, as night is upon the city of San Diego. The orange sky illuminates into the room, bringing the colors out perfectly. PKA takes a drink of his beverage in the glass, and puts it down. Joe looks to PKA.
"So" Joe begins, "Did ya catch Shane Ryda's promos earlia?"
"Yes, I did. I can't believe that guy. I'm watching the channel and all, checking out what the other peeps have to say and crap, then all of a sudden after one ended, BOOM, Shane Ryder is on the television screen talking."
Joe laughs, "Just lock that?"
PKA nods and takes a drink. "Just like that, Joe. I mean, he takes no time, he just starts talking like a mad man or something. He goes off on how I bring up the past and he is a man of the now.. what kinda crap is that? How many times do you hear that nowadays?"
Joe tilts his head. He doesn't really get that often. "Well.."
PKA interupts, knowing what he said now. "Well yeah Joe I didn't mean YOU I just meant..well you know. People in general. Shane Ryder talks about how he doesn't worry about the past yet then he brings up some Red Rose? What the hell? Rose Red? Hell I don't know and I really don't give a damn. All I know is that it seems the kid contradicted himself right in the same damn sentence don't you think?"
Joe answers in his strong accent, "Uf that's how it went den yeah, sounds lock it."
PKA shakes his head. "Its crazy, Joe. That's exactly how it went. He talked about how he was going to beat me from post to post too.. how original, right? I mean I may not be the king of talkin' trash but how freaking bad does it sound when you hear someone say they are going to beat you from corner to corner or something like that? Its so cliche. Its like Mick Foley said last week on Raw.. people are always saying they are gonna 'kick your ass' and well its the same with Shane Ryder. He just doesn't understand that he says one thing then completely says the opposite one second later. Maybe the guy should say he's going to lose and maybe he'll end up winning, huh?"
They exchange a good laugh. Joe picks up a bottle that is half full. It is Dr. Pepper. Yes.. Dr. Pepper. He poors some more in his glass and offers PKA some. He takes the bottle from Joe and poors his own then screws the cap back on.
Joe questions, "Didn't he mention somethin' 'bout ya sayin' how you would lose or sumtin'?"
PKA clicks his fingers, "Oh, right! Yeah he did! He is trying to feed me advice, I swear. The guy acts like he wrote the book on how to cut a promo. He's correcting me right and left. Here he tells me not to say I'm going to lose.. not to say he'll have the advantage. Hey, I'm only telling the truth. If he wants me to be like everyone else and say I'm going to kick his ass from corner to corner and keep focused on him one-hundred percent.. okay! But that's not how I work."
PKA pauses for a few seconds, and looks out the large window in his dining room.
"I caught his second promo too.. just like the other one. He starts off screaming in the camera..BOOM! I mean I have no idea where the guy's at or anything because all I ever see is his ugly ass face that's covered in who knows what.. hell. He went on about ME contradicting myself then he totally changed the subject and discussed how we have crap in common because of the people who have it out for me. He seemed like he needed a friend for a second I guess so he decided to be buddy buddy.. Then the tide changes and all of a sudden I'm a little punk ass bitch so he insults me by saying Mainstreamer and Wafer attack me all the time and cause me trouble because I'm a joke. So what he got him a Fuck muppet cut or whatever the hell? Wow.. You know what I think? Its not that I'm a joke to the Mainstreamer and Wafer.. its that I'm more of a threat. And Shane Ryder needs to realize that the person who is more of a threat is more important.. me. That means that Shane Ryder, he isn't anything. The Prez and the Champ don't care about him, because they know he won't and can't do shit. They see me as a threat. Maybe Shane Ryder should do the same?"
Joe stands up and pushes his chair in. "I'm not quite sure. What caught mah attinti'n is da way he speaks. Tha boy uses such vulger words, an' insultin' words. But that's afta' he preaches to ya 'bout doin' this an' that wrong."
Joe puts his hands in his pockets and walks to the windows. He looks out. PKA moves himself on the chair, where he'd face the windows and Joe.
"I saw that too. Didn't he tell me to lick some animal's balls? And then he said one other time that I cry about everything and just sit at home crying.. sucking on my thumb wishing it was 'my mommas titty', as he put it. Guess what he said after that?"
"What?" Joe asks.
PKA stands up and pushes his chair in. He laughs slightly. "He told me to grow up."
PKA walks over near Joe. Joe turns to him and laughs. "Ah' ya serious? Ah tell ya, that boy ain't raught. What would da NWO do wit' him as Int''nati'nal champi'n?"
PKA puts his hands in his pockets as well. He looks out at the sky. The sun has completely gone down now. He turns to his left, looking at Joe.
"You know what? That's something you won't have to even worry about, because Shane Ryder won't even get close to the International champion."
PKA smiles, as does Joe. They continue their conversation, minus the Shane Ryder talk, as the cameras fade away and we