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Cassie's "Patience" Review

November 19, 2000

Quality time for Scully and Doggett.

Well I have to say that Chris Carter surprised me. I was expecting his "well let's try something new visually" episodes that he normally has been doing for the past few seasons. Instead we got a great x-file case! The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this episode is how much darker it is compared to regular stand alone episodes. It seems that Chris Carter is sticking to his word when he stated that they will keep thinks darker and have less humor. :)

Alright the next thing to point out is the change in opening credits (for the 3rd time this season LOL). This time, they took David Duchovny's name out and only had Gillian and Robert's names. They also included a new slow-mo scene with Scully and Doggett that was cool! I think it was appropriate that they dropped Duchovny from the credits, considering that Gillian and Robert are doing most of the work and really Duchovny is just a guest star now. But hey, we didn't loose Mulder completely... we still have that funny image of him falling into Gillian's eye LOL.

I really enjoyed this episode, the story was well done and for a first case together as partners, this was weird. Both Doggett and Scully had great dialogue to play with. What was interesting to me was that throughout the episode, Scully was made out to look as if she wanted to be doing what Mulder would have done, but by the end, she says to Doggett:

"I uh... never had a desk in here, Agent Doggett, but I'll um... I'll see that you get one... and I-I just want to say um... thank you for watching my back."

The best darn skeptics the x-files has ever seen!

Suddenly Scully goes and does something that Mulder wouldn't have done. Did she do that because really she doesn't want to be like Mulder or was it because Doggett was there to save her from being attacked at the end of the episode? That was a very touching moment in the episode and I think it was the character's way of taking her respect and admiration for Doggett to another level. I do believe one of the points of this episode is to show the viewers that these two characters respect eachother. Scully showed it with her desk comment and by thanking him and Doggett showed his respect for Scully by telling others that she is an expert in the paranormal... though Scully denied it, you can't say that he doesn't respect her work with the x-files.

"Maybe I'm just an old fashioned cop, but I don't take leaps. In my experience, leaps only get people killed." - John Doggett

This is one of my other favorite lines from the episode. Doggett states this, but he also tells Scully that he had gone through some x-files over the weekend and noticed that al ot of cases solved, got their start from leaps. He believed what Scully was saying (about Arial), and how her burnt body was behind the killings... Scully was taking leaps to try to piece the case together.

Alright it has been since last season's episode "Signs & Wonders" since The X-Files has scared me (and that's just because I don't like snakes). This episode was scary (ok laugh all you want I'll wait a moment...). All the scenes where the human bat was hiding somewhere only to jump up out of nowhere and attack scared me, which is cool because I normally don't get scared while watching this show!! I was literally scrunched up in my seat trying not to cover my eyes so I could cut commercials LOL. Thank you Chris Carter for getting that ep to have that effect on me. :) I was so panicked when Doggett was attacked and he went underwater and we faded to commercial, only to come back to a different scene... leaving me worried (very worried) about Doggett.

Sexy is what sexy does and sexy is John Doggett. One of my other favorite scenes in this episode is when Scully goes outside after shooting her gun at the roof, trying to hit this human bat. The creature gets Ernie and then as Scully is about to enter the house again, Doggett comes up behind her and out of nowhere, the human bat knocks them both down on the ground... Doggett takes plenty shots at the creature as it flies away. Then to show how much of a darling Doggett is, he turns to Scully and asks her if she's ok, when he was the one that was actually hurt. Then he gets weak and almost falls to the ground, but Scully takes him in her arms and lowers him to the ground and checks up on him... we hear the squeal of the human bat as we fade into the next scene. What a scene!! I love it!

The whole scene with Scully and Doggett in the office at the FBI was very well done. This scene showed that Scully is accepting Doggett as her partner. She tells him that she will get him a desk (awwww!) and then when he goes to put a file in the filing cabinet, Scully places Mulder's name plate in a desk drawer. Is she doubting that they will ever find him? Is she realizing that he is gone and is trying to move on in her life?

Oh and I realized for the first time while watching this episode, that Mat Beck is back as the Visual Effects Producer for the show!! (has been since the beginning of the season) Woohoo!!


"You know I'm not Oxford educated, about all I know about the paranormal is 'men are from mars and women are from venus', but I don't think you're wrong Agent Scully." - John Doggett

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robert patrick may NOT be contacted through this website. infact, he probably never even heard of me before. if by chance he's reading this, i'd like to say "hi robert!".

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