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Kristi's "This Is Not Happening" Review

February 26, 2001

He's such a goof.

"This Is Not Happening"... what can I say... the teaser was like me and my sister if we ever saw a UFO. It was awesome! the fact that Chris Carter brought back Gary's friend from last season's finale "Requiem" (7x22) was pretty cool. I didn't expect to ever see him again... or his abducted friend Gary. Very cool!

I have to admit that this episode isn't my favorite of this season... but there were some very memorable and touching scenes. The scene whre Doggett is talking to Reyes and their past... bringing up his son we learned about in "Invocation". It was very cool. One of my favorite scenes is between Skinner and Scully. She's standing there looking up at the stars, and Skinner comes to comfort her.

I'll admit that when I first heard they were going to have a new female agent on the show, I wasn't happy. Infact, I was all ready to not except Agent Monica Reyes. Her first scene wasn't bad at all... but the best scene (of the episode) was when Reyes was in her car about to smoke a cigarette when she sees a bright light in the sky... "No frickin' way." is what she said. That line got me... this girl is awesome. She's like a female version of Mulder. She rocks!

There is one thing that bugs me about this episode... the over use of the line: "This is not happening." It was fine in the teaser because that was in the character. But at the very end is when it was too over done. When Scully goes back to the house to make sure Jeremiah Smith is still there and she screams "This is not happeining!". My sister pointed out that she sounded like a wailing wallrus! LOL

Oh yes... Jeremiah Smith (Talitha Cumi/Herrenvolk) is back! He's pretty cool... and he even changed into Doggett on the servalence camera... which totally shocked him! LOL

Over all, I'd give "This Is Not Happening" a 3/5. Too much of Scully crying, too much "this is not happening" lines. But I had a lot of fun watching this episode! Can't wait until April 1!

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robert patrick may NOT be contacted through this website. infact, he probably never even heard of me before. if by chance he's reading this, i'd like to say "hi robert!".

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